Mac OS X Leopard - ARCAism

Mac OS X Leopard - ARCAism

Mac OS X Leopard - ARCAism


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### aliases ###<br />

alias ls="ls -FG"<br />

alias la="ls -FGA"<br />

alias ll="ls -FGAl"<br />

### functions ###<br />

function pman() {<br />

man -t "${1}" | open -f -a /Applications/Preview.app/<br />

}<br />

Again, the lines that begin with # are comments.<br />

Creating Commands with Aliases and Functions<br />

The preceding sample .bashrc file shows a few aliases and a function. Essentially, these are both<br />

ways to create simple command-line commands that carry out more complex commands. In general,<br />

an alias is a way of creating a shortened version of a single command, while a function<br />

creates a command out of an actual shell script that may consist of many commands and simple<br />

logic.<br />

Aliases are incredibly handy when you find you are using the same commands over and over<br />

and want to simplify them; you can even use them to essentially overwrite the default behavior<br />

of a command. Take the first alias listed previously:<br />

alias ls="ls -FG"<br />

This command creates the ls alias from the ls -FG command, effectively overwriting ls so<br />

that it will, by default, provide colored output and the benefits of the -F flag as well. The other<br />

two aliases in my .bashrc file also create aliases to other common ls options.<br />

NOTE You can create aliases at the command line using the alias command as well—<br />

however, if you don’t save these to your .bashrc file, they will be gone once you exit that<br />

particular shell.<br />

Functions, on the other hand, are more complex, as they are essentially simple shell scripts.<br />

Here’s an example from the preceding .bashrc file:<br />

function pman() {<br />

man -t "${1}" | open -f -a /Applications/Preview.app/<br />

}<br />

The first line defines pman as a function accessible from the command line, and everything<br />

between the curly braces defines what happens when we use the pman command. So, if I were to<br />

enter pman ls at the command line, the function would take the first argument, ls, and run<br />

man -t ls | open -f -a /Applications/Preview.app/, thus allowing me to simply open the man<br />

page of any command in the Preview application in one simple command.<br />

Summary<br />


Whew, there was lots of info in this chapter. While the aim wasn’t to teach you everything about<br />

working with Darwin (which would be an entire book in itself just to scratch the surface), hopefully<br />

you now know enough to get around comfortably in Darwin, and more importantly, have

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