Course Descripons - The Art Institutes

Course Descripons - The Art Institutes

Course Descripons - The Art Institutes


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Administra� ve & Financial Services<br />

ed under the refund policy specifi ed in this sec� on or as otherwise approved by the commission. <strong>The</strong> ins� tu� on must make<br />

the proper refund no later than thirty-one (31) days of the student’s request for cancella� on or withdrawal.<br />

(b) <strong>The</strong> following refund policy applies to each resident post-secondary proprietary educa� onal ins� tu� on, except as noted<br />

in sec� on 4.5 of this rule:<br />

(1) A student is en� tled to a full refund if one (1) or more of the following criteria are met:<br />

(A) <strong>The</strong> student cancels the enrollment agreement or enrollment applica� on within six (6) business days a� er signing.<br />

(B) <strong>The</strong> student does not meet the post-secondary proprietary educa� onal ins� tu� on’s minimum admission requirements.<br />

(C) <strong>The</strong> student’s enrollment was procured as a result of a misrepresenta� on in the wri� en materials u� lized by the<br />

post-secondary proprietary educa� onal ins� tu� on.<br />

(D) If the student has not visited the post-secondary educa� onal ins� tu� on prior to enrollment, and, upon touring the<br />

ins� tu� on or a� ending the regularly scheduled orienta� on/classes, the student withdrew from the program within<br />

three (3) days.<br />

(2) A student withdrawing from an instruc� onal program, a� er star� ng the instruc� onal program at a post-secondary<br />

proprietary ins� tu� on and a� ending one (1) week or less, is en� tled to a refund of ninety percent (90%) of the cost of the<br />

fi nancial obliga� on, less an applica� on/enrollment fee of ten percent (10%) of the total tui� on, not to exceed one hundred<br />

dollars ($100).<br />

(3) A student withdrawing from an instruc� onal program, a� er a� ending more than one (1) week but equal to or less<br />

than twenty-fi ve percent (25%) of the dura� on of the instruc� onal program, is en� tled to a refund of seventy-fi ve percent<br />

(75%) of the cost of the fi nancial obliga� on, less an applica� on/enrollment fee of ten percent (10%) of the total tui� on,<br />

not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100).<br />

(5) A student withdrawing from an instruc� onal program, a� er a� ending more than fi � y percent (50%) but equal to or<br />

less than sixty percent (60%) of the dura� on of the instruc� onal program, is en� tled to a refund of forty percent (40%)<br />

of the cost of the fi nancial obliga� on, less an applica� on/enrollment fee of ten percent (10%) of the total tui� on, not to<br />

exceed one hundred dollars ($100).<br />

(6) A student withdrawing from an ins� tu� onal program, a� er a� ending more than sixty percent (60%) of the dura� on of<br />

the instruc� onal program, is not en� tled to a refund.<br />

Scholarships<br />

<strong>The</strong> Illinois Ins� tute of <strong>Art</strong> is dedicated to the success of students pursuing crea� ve careers. Talented individuals from across<br />

the United States and interna� onally are sought to complement the student popula� on. To support this commitment, <strong>The</strong><br />

Illinois Ins� tute of <strong>Art</strong> off ered the following scholarships with a total approximate value of $1,000,000 for the 2009-2010<br />

school year. <strong>The</strong> actual amount of scholarships awarded can vary at the sole discre� on of <strong>The</strong> Illinois Ins� tute of <strong>Art</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Illinois Ins� tute of <strong>Art</strong> Merit Scholarship<br />

<strong>The</strong> Merit Scholarship Program provides scholarships to students who show evidence of merit and the mo� va� on to complete<br />

the program but who are unable to enter classes without addi� onal fi nancial assistance. Eligibility is based on merit<br />

and fi nancial need. Students must be in good fi nancial standing with the school to par� cipate. Scholarship proceeds may be<br />

applied to tui� on, housing or supply costs. Awards range from $300 to $500.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Illinois Ins� tute of <strong>Art</strong>–Chicago Scholarship Compe� � on<br />

High school seniors may compete for six half-tui� on scholarships off ered annually by Chicago campus of <strong>The</strong> Illinois Ins� tute<br />

of <strong>Art</strong>. Awards are based on ability and commitment to a career in fashion design or marke� ng, interior design, adver� sing,<br />

graphic design, visual communica� ons, media arts & anima� on, game art & design, and digital fi lmmaking & video produc-<br />

� on. Contact the Admissions department for more informa� on and an entry form. <strong>The</strong> ILIC Scholarship compe� � on is a<br />

107 Financial Services

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