Course Descripons - The Art Institutes

Course Descripons - The Art Institutes

Course Descripons - The Art Institutes


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<strong>Course</strong> Descrip� ons<br />

NOTE: Where no prerequisites are listed below, none are required. Prerequisites listed a� er courses below must be<br />

sa� sfactorily completed by all students before enrolling in the course. Some courses also list “sequences,” which must be<br />

followed by students in specifi c situa� ons (certain programs, degrees, branches) but not others.<br />

ADV106 Fundamentals of Adver� sing & Marke� ng (4 credits)<br />

This course is a basic introduc� on to adver� sing and the fundamental<br />

concepts and principles of marke� ng. Students examine<br />

various defi ni� ons of adver� sing and diff erent methods off marke�<br />

ng communica� on. Learning about the major events, trends,<br />

and infl uences on adver� sing will help the student place current<br />

events in context and help nourish the student’s understanding<br />

of the possibili� es of various types of adver� sing and marke� ng<br />

campaigns. <strong>The</strong> overview of marke� ng will help students place<br />

their knowledge in a framework and understand how each component<br />

contributes to the strength and u� lity of a marke� ng plan.<br />

Students will learn to recognize emerging trends and capitalize on<br />

them. Students will also learn how to iden� fy the ways in which<br />

world events and cultural assump� ons infl uence marke� ng.<br />

ADV108 Conceptual & Strategic Thinking (4 credits)<br />

Exercises in crea� ve problem solving strengthen and expand the<br />

student’s concept genera� on skills. Cri� cal analysis, problem<br />

iden� fi ca� on, and idea refi nement are the focus in producing<br />

media content for targeted audiences and intended delivery systems.<br />

Students will learn basic skills that will support their learning<br />

throughout the course and help them create a founda� on for<br />

nurturing crea� vity in their work and lives. <strong>The</strong>y will be given the<br />

tools to help them iden� fy and solve problems, formulate objec-<br />

� ves, and create a plan to reach their objec� ves.<br />

ADV112 Survey of Adver� sing (4 credits)<br />

This course is a basic introduc� on to adver� sing, its history,<br />

poten� al and limita� ons. Students examine the role of adver-<br />

� sing and diff erent methods of communica� on, as well as the<br />

adver� sing spiral, adver� sing objec� ves, adver� sing copy, and<br />

federal regula� ons. Students analyze media choices and strategies,<br />

research, target audiences and crea� ng campaigns. <strong>The</strong><br />

course will also help the student recognize emerging trends and<br />

capitalize on them.<br />

ADV228 Storyboards & Scriptwri� ng (4 credits)<br />

This course focuses on applying industry-standard storyboarding<br />

and scrip� ng techniques to communicate eff ec� vely for<br />

various forms of media. Contents to be covered include the<br />

various purposes and formats of storyboards, the basic terminology<br />

and concepts used in storyboarding, and the applica� on of<br />

storyboarding techniques to the crea� on of storyboards with or<br />

without a wri� en script. (Prerequisite: ADV108)<br />

ADV229 Adver� sing Design (4 credits)<br />

This course will further defi ne the role of graphic design in an<br />

adver� sing context. Students will be introduced to informa-<br />

� onal and administra� ve approaches to the development of<br />

adver� sing. Campaign strategies, based on media and marke� ng<br />

reali� es, will also be defi ned and applied. (Prerequisite: ADV106,<br />

ADV108, GD109, GD203)<br />

68 Academic Programs<br />

ADV231 Consumer Behavior (4 credits)<br />

This course examines the cultural, social, and individual variables<br />

involved in consumer behavior. It also reviews how they are<br />

incorporated into buyer decision processes and marke� ng prac-<br />

� ces. (Prerequisite: ADV112)<br />

ADV317 Principles of Marke� ng Research (4 credits)<br />

<strong>The</strong> use of the marke� ng research process as a tool for solving<br />

management problems is a focus of this course. <strong>The</strong> source of<br />

data, sampling procedures, ques� onnaire design, data collec� on,<br />

and analysis will be covered. (Prerequisite: ADV106)<br />

ADV318 Brand Strategy (4 credits)<br />

Although good brands are easy to iden� fy, they are hard to<br />

create. This course addresses the factors which make a brand<br />

successful, and then approaches the factors—like price pressure,<br />

fragmented markets and media and prolifera� ng compe� � on—<br />

that businesses must control to build a strong, successful brand.<br />

(Prerequisite: ADV229)<br />

ADV323 Account Planning (4 credits)<br />

Account planning demands a mixture of account services and<br />

research. Stated simply, an account planner frequently takes<br />

responsibility for ensuring that the client’s needs are met. This<br />

usually requires managing communica� on between departments<br />

in an adver� sing agency as well as being the point of contact<br />

between an agency and the client. Inside the agency, an account<br />

planner helps choose and integrate research and considers proposed<br />

adver� sing decisions from the perspec� ve of consumer behavior.<br />

This course helps the student understand these func� ons<br />

and integrate them into a successful approach to adver� sing and<br />

adver� sing campaigns. Sequence: follows ADV317 for Adver� sing<br />

Majors.<br />

ADV336 Sales & Persuasive Techniques (4 credits)<br />

An understanding of the sales process and the steps to sell a<br />

product or service is essen� al to a student who works in any area<br />

of business. Selling is an essen� al skill for the sales func� on of a<br />

business, but is also part of the job for many other employees.<br />

This course focuses on the essen� al skills and knowledge one<br />

needs to eff ect a sale, as well as the ways that the sales pitch can<br />

be focused to solve customer problems. This course also covers<br />

persuasive communica� on techniques in the area of adver� sing.<br />

Areas covered include the fi elds of logic and psychology. Among<br />

the topics to be covered are the framing eff ect, emo� onal hot<br />

bu� ons, mass appeal, snob appeal, subliminal messages, and the<br />

band wagon eff ect. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, emo� onal reac-<br />

� ons and how to achieve them and the various types of media<br />

that could be used to achieve the appropriate desired response<br />

are also covered. (Prerequisite: ADV231)

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