Course Descripons - The Art Institutes

Course Descripons - The Art Institutes

Course Descripons - The Art Institutes


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<strong>Course</strong> Descrip� ons<br />

communicate the spa� al envelope with an introduc� on to basic<br />

rendering and other presenta� on techniques. (Prerequisite:<br />

ART102) Sequence: follows ID130 for ILIC, AIMD, AIOHC.<br />

ID146 History of Design I (4 credits)<br />

This lecture course covers the evolu� on of architecture, furniture,<br />

and design from the ancient world through the mid-nineteenth<br />

century. Discussions of how these eras were infl uenced by the<br />

cultural, poli� cal, social, and economic condi� ons of the � mes<br />

are central to this course.<br />

ID177 Tex� les, Materials, + Resources (4 credits)<br />

This course examines product informa� on, specifi ca� ons, and resources<br />

available to interior designers. Content includes product<br />

proper� es, industry quality control, installa� on methods, applica�<br />

ons, and quan� ty calcula� ons of various interior materials.<br />

Concepts in sustainability are introduced. (Prerequisite: ID130 for<br />


ID179 Elements of Interior Design (4 credits)<br />

In this introductory studio course, students study the applica� on<br />

of the elements and principles of design in residen� al spaces to<br />

create aesthe� c solu� ons. Lessons in ergonomics, space planning,<br />

and human factors introduce the skills needed to make func� onal<br />

design decisions. Students are introduced to the responsibili� es<br />

of the interior design professional. (Prerequisite: ART100, ID130)<br />

ID200 Introduc� on to Space Planning (4 credits)<br />

This course explores the programming and schema� c phases of<br />

the design process and the issues relevant to preliminary space<br />

planning with an emphasis on human factors and their impact<br />

on design. Students develop skills and judgement in organizing<br />

spaces and traffi c pa� erns within a commercial design project<br />

and in the ability to graphically represent their ideas through<br />

conceptual drawings and other suppor� ng graphic materials.<br />

(Prerequisite: ID179) Sequence for B.F.A. degree: follows GEN109<br />

for ILIC and AIMD.<br />

ID202 Interior Design Associate Por� olio (2 credits)<br />

In this course each student assembles a por� olio that demonstrates<br />

conceptual design, cra� smanship, and other skills. <strong>The</strong><br />

student selects and refi nes representa� ve pieces, showcasing<br />

work that refl ects a unique style. Par� cular emphasis is placed<br />

on iden� fying short and long term professional employment<br />

goals and strategies and resources for achieving them. (Off ered<br />

at AIMD, AIOHC)<br />

ID213 Presenta� on Techniques II (4 credits)<br />

This course expands on methods of graphically communica� ng<br />

interior space and design solu� ons. Advanced applica� ons of<br />

various rendering techniques using mixed media are explored.<br />

(Prerequisite: ART110, ID135)<br />

91 Academic Programs<br />

ID225 Interior Design Communica� on (4 credits)<br />

In this course, students develop techniques and methods of<br />

formal presenta� on which u� lize visual, verbal and wri� en communica�<br />

on skills. <strong>The</strong>se skills help them to communicate, excite,<br />

educate and persuade clients and others about their design<br />

concepts. (Prerequisite: ART224, ID179 for ILIC, AIOHC, AIMD)<br />

Sequence: follows GEN109 at ILIC and AIMD. Follows ID200 if<br />

possible on all campuses.. (Off ered at ILIC, AIMD, AIOHC)<br />

ID227 Computer-Aided Design I (4 credits)<br />

This course introduces how to use computer-aided design (CAD)<br />

so� ware as a method to communicate two-dimensional construc-<br />

� on drawings. (Prerequisite: ID179) Sequence: follows GEN109<br />

for B.F.A. students at ILIC, AIOHC, AIMD.<br />

ID235 Computer-Aided Design II (4 credits)<br />

This course expands on how to use computer-aided design so� -<br />

ware as a method to communicate two-dimensional construc-<br />

� on drawings while introducing techniques in three-dimensional<br />

digital graphic presenta� on. (Prerequisite: ID200, ID227)<br />

ID236 History of Design II (4 credits)<br />

This lecture course covers the evolu� on of architecture, furniture,<br />

and design in England from the Tudor period and the American<br />

and Interna� onal styles through the 20th century. Discussions of<br />

how these eras were infl uenced by the cultural, poli� cal, social,<br />

and economic condi� ons of the � mes are central to this course.<br />

Sequence: Follows ID146 if possible.<br />

ID237 Codes + Specifi ca� ons (4 credits)<br />

This lecture and studio course covers code informa� on and specifi<br />

ca� ons concerning life safety, barrier-free, and universal design<br />

as applied in both residen� al and commercial spaces. (Prerequisite:<br />

ID177, ID179) Sequence: follows ID227 for ILIC, AIOHC,<br />

AIMD. Follows or taken with ID200 if possible.<br />

ID240 Ligh� ng (4 credits)<br />

This course is an introduc� on to ar� fi cial and natural ligh� ng<br />

used in interior spaces. Problem-solving analysis of user needs<br />

is discussed to determine the appropriate ligh� ng of spaces.<br />

Various lamps and luminaires; and their applica� on considera�<br />

on of comfort, task, color, and code are discussed. Calcula� on<br />

methods as they relate to the design and specifi ca� on process<br />

are explained. Project assignments also incorporate energy management<br />

and sustainable ligh� ng design. (Prerequisite: ID200)<br />

Sequence: follows ID227 for ILIC, AIOHC, AIMD.<br />

ID275 Kitchen + Bath Design (4 credits)<br />

This course challenges students to use planning requirements to<br />

create universal and accessible designs. Construc� on, electrical,<br />

and basic plumbing are taught with emphasis on these applica-<br />

� ons within residen� al kitchens and baths. Industry relevant nomenclature<br />

and product informa� on are used to create technical<br />

documents and custom aesthe� c solu� ons. (Prerequisite: ID177,<br />

ID213, ID227) (Off ered at ILIS)

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