Course Descripons - The Art Institutes

Course Descripons - The Art Institutes

Course Descripons - The Art Institutes


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Media <strong>Art</strong>s<br />

MEDIA ARTS & ANIMATION, Bachelor of Fine <strong>Art</strong>s Degree<br />

Off ered at Chicago, Schaumburg, Cincinna� , Michigan, Tinley Park<br />

Program Mission<br />

<strong>The</strong> Bachelor of Fine <strong>Art</strong>s in Media <strong>Art</strong>s & Anima� on program provides graduates with the relevant career skills needed<br />

to obtain and develop careers in the anima� on industry. <strong>The</strong> goal is accomplished through a focused curriculum based on<br />

industry referenced program exit competencies. Instructors who possess industry experience and content exper� se as well<br />

as appropriate resources support the curriculum.<br />

Desired Student Outcomes<br />

1. Communica� on: Graduates will be skilled visual communicators, will eff ec� vely collaborate with other ar� sts and designers<br />

on a team, will be able to tell a story visually, and will possess wri� en and oral skills that enable them to communicate<br />

eff ec� vely with prospec� ve employers, colleagues, and clients.<br />

2. Problem Solving: Graduates will possess the crea� ve design skills to conceptualize, and develop an anima� on; cri� quing<br />

skills that lead to evalua� on and edi� ng; problem-solving skills to resolve unsa� sfactory elements of an anima� on; graduates<br />

will understand the process of project management.<br />

3. Conceptual: Graduates will have the conceptual and drawing skills to create storyboards and design original characters,<br />

backgrounds, and other visual elements.<br />

4. Technical: Graduates will understand the elements and principles of image manipula� on, 2-D and 3-D anima� on, audio<br />

produc� on, programming, and game design including technical skills and terminology.<br />

5. Context: Graduates will possess an ability to apply real world observa� ons to anima� on, an understanding of the human<br />

fi gure; will understand the principles of ac� ng and staging; will understand anima� on in social, cultural, and historical contexts;<br />

and will have the research skills needed to develop anima� on elements.<br />

6. Professional: Graduates will have developed current professional awareness, a high standard of ethics, an ability to work<br />

independently, an understanding of the corporate culture and business prac� ces of the fi lm and anima� on industry, and a<br />

desire for life-long learning and professional growth.<br />

Program Descrip� on<br />

<strong>The</strong> Game <strong>Art</strong> & Design curriculum provides students with a substan� al founda� on in drawing skills, color theory, design<br />

concepts, audio/video techniques and basic computer applica� ons. From this founda� on, degree candidates develop<br />

advanced skills in various aspects of computer graphics and anima� on. Students explore the various tools used in computer<br />

anima� on including opera� ng systems, 3-D modeling and anima� on so� ware, 2-D anima� on techniques and desktop video<br />

produc� on. <strong>The</strong>se tools and concepts enhance our student’s versa� lity and crea� vity and enables them to produce a digital<br />

por� olio that demonstrates their prac� cal and technical abili� es to employers.<br />

Gradua� on Requirements<br />

To receive a Bachelor of Fine <strong>Art</strong>s degree in Media <strong>Art</strong>s & Anima� on, students must complete a minimum of 180 quartercredits<br />

with 60 quarter-credits in general educa� on courses and 120 in the specialty area with a cumula� ve GPA of 2.0<br />

or higher. Also a student must receive a passing grade or credit for all required course work, meet por� olio requirements<br />

including par� cipa� on in the Senior Por� olio Show. Gradua� ng students must pass a required course in which a por� olio is<br />

produced and sa� sfy all fi nancial obliga� ons to <strong>The</strong> Illinois Ins� tute of <strong>Art</strong>.<br />

50 Academic Programs

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