Course Descripons - The Art Institutes

Course Descripons - The Art Institutes

Course Descripons - The Art Institutes


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<strong>Course</strong> Descrip� ons<br />

GEN223 United States History I (4 credits)<br />

This course provides a historical account of the main ideas and<br />

events that have shaped today’s society from their beginnings<br />

in colonial � mes through the end of the reconstruc� on period.<br />

It traces the course of social, poli� cal, economic, intellectual,<br />

and cultural events in the United States as they created today’s<br />

unique and diverse society. (Prerequisite: GEN101, GEN105) (Offered<br />

at ILIC, ILIS, and AIOHC)<br />

GEN225 United States History II (4 credits)<br />

This course provides a historical account of the main ideas and<br />

events that have shaped today’s society from the end of the<br />

Reconstruc� on period to the present. It traces the course of<br />

social, poli� cal, economic, intellectual, and cultural events in the<br />

United States as they created today’s unique and diverse society.<br />

(Prerequisite: GEN101, GEN105) (Off ered at ILIC, ILIS, and AIOHC)<br />

GEN228 Philosophy & Ethics (4 credits)<br />

This course explores fundamental ques� ons of human life<br />

through the study of philosophy. Topics include philosophical<br />

theories about free will, the nature of reality, the nature and<br />

possibility of knowledge, and the nature of human existence. This<br />

course also examines philosophical approaches to discovering<br />

and applying ethical principles that guide individual and group<br />

behavior. (Prerequisite: GEN101, GEN105) (Off ered at ILIC, ILIS,<br />

and AIMD)<br />

GEN230 Survey of Western Civiliza� on I: Before 1600s (4 credits)<br />

This course provides a historical account of the development of<br />

the fundamental ideas and events that shaped western civiliza-<br />

� on from their beginnings in the ancient world through the early<br />

modern period. It traces the course of social, poli� cal, economic,<br />

intellectual, and cultural developments in western socie� es as<br />

they shaped a uniquely “western” outlook on the world. (Prerequisite:<br />

GEN101, GEN105) (Off ered at ILIS and AIOHC)<br />

GEN231 Survey of Western Civiliza� on II: 1600s to Present (4<br />

credits)<br />

This course provides a historical account of the fundamental<br />

ideas and events that shaped modern western civiliza� on. It<br />

traces the course of social, poli� cal, economic, intellectual, and<br />

cultural developments in Western socie� es as they shaped the<br />

world today. (Prerequisite: GEN101, GEN105) (Off ered at ILIS and<br />

AIOHC)<br />

GEN233 Non-Western Civiliza� on (4 credits)<br />

This course explores major trends and events in the non-Western<br />

world star� ng with the ancient Far East but focusing on the<br />

phenomenon of globaliza� on. Throughout the twen� eth century<br />

na� onal and regional economies, poli� es and cultures became<br />

increasingly interrelated. This course helps students understand<br />

the economic, poli� cal and cultural transforma� ons of the global<br />

society in which they live. (Prerequisite: GEN101, GEN105) (Offered<br />

at ILIC)<br />

86 Academic Programs<br />

GEN241 Economics (4 credits)<br />

This course provides insights into forces that shape today’s<br />

economy, including major types of economic resources and the<br />

mechanisms aff ec� ng their distribu� on. Students examine the<br />

theory and prac� ce of open economies and how open economies<br />

are infl uenced by poli� cal and strategic interests. Students also<br />

consider cri� cal socio-economic issues such as unemployment,<br />

welfare and the na� onal debt. (Prerequisite: GEN101, GEN105)<br />

GEN244 Psychology (4 credits)<br />

This course introduces students to psychological principles,<br />

theories and methods of scien� fi cally studying human behavior.<br />

Major topics include: sensa� on and percep� on, consciousness,<br />

memory, mo� va� on, intelligence, personality, mental disorders,<br />

and psychotherapy. (Prerequisite: GEN101, GEN105)<br />

GEN247 Sociology (4 credits)<br />

This course explores the concepts and theories necessary for a<br />

systema� c understanding of social worlds. Topics include considering<br />

sociology as science, the nature of large and small-scale<br />

groups, social interac� ons, ideologies, conformity and social deviance,<br />

and/or social stra� fi ca� on. (Prerequisite: GEN101, GEN105)<br />

GEN248 Anthropology (4 credits)<br />

Students learn about culture and ethnographic research and writing.<br />

Combining study in the classroom and fi eldwork, students<br />

choose a cultural scene to inves� gate, iden� fy informants, conduct<br />

interviews and write an ethnographical study. (Prerequisite:<br />

GEN101, GEN105) (Off ered at ILIC, ILIS, and AIOHC)<br />

GEN250 Topics In Mathema� cs (4 credits)<br />

This course helps build on students’ previous math experience<br />

to explore more advanced topics. (Prerequisite: One 100-level<br />

mathema� cs course) (Off ered at ILIS)<br />

GEN253 Mathema� cal Models In <strong>Art</strong> and Nature (4 credits)<br />

This course focuses on mathema� cal reasoning by examining rela�<br />

onships between mathema� cs and the arts, architecture, and<br />

nature. This course is designed to enable students to make these<br />

connec� ons and to generate enthusiasm for mathema� cs in a<br />

crea� ve manner. Topics will be selected from fractal geometry,<br />

symmetry, � lings and tessella� ons, the golden ra� o, the Fibonacci<br />

sequence, and the logarithmic spiral. (Prerequisite: One 100-level<br />

mathema� cs course) (Off ered at ILIS)<br />

GEN256 College Algebra (4 credits)<br />

This course develops the student’s ability to reason abstractly,<br />

emphasizing mathema� cal/logical skills and techniques for analyzing<br />

and solving problems. Topics include exponen� al, logarithmic,<br />

and trigonometric func� ons and equa� ons. Special a� en� on<br />

will be given to the intricate connec� on between mathema� cs<br />

and the arts. (Prerequisite: GEN150) (Off ered at ILIC)

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