Course Descripons - The Art Institutes

Course Descripons - The Art Institutes

Course Descripons - The Art Institutes


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<strong>Course</strong> Descrip� ons<br />

DPH416 <strong>Art</strong> Direc� on (4 credits)<br />

<strong>The</strong> role of the art director is examined through a team environment.<br />

Leadership, communica� on and nego� a� on skills are an<br />

intricate part of the team design projects. Professional quality<br />

por� olio examples are the outcome of the projects by coordinating<br />

crea� ve eff orts from concept to fi nished product. (Prerequisite:<br />

Only by Permission of Academic Director)<br />

DPH420 Internship (4 credits)<br />

Through a fi eld internship experience, students are able to apply<br />

acquired subject ma� er and career/professional skills in a real<br />

and prac� cal situa� on. <strong>The</strong> main objec� ves of the internship<br />

are to allow students the opportunity to observe and par� cipate<br />

in the opera� on of successful business related to their fi elds of<br />

study. Students \ gain the experience they need to enter the<br />

fi eld when they graduate. (Prerequisite: Permission from Director<br />

required. Interna� onal students need signed approval from the<br />

Interna� onal Student Advisor.)<br />

DPH425 Por� olio Prepara� on (4 credits)<br />

This course prepares students for job interviews by helping them<br />

compile a por� olio. Students demonstrate their conceptual design,<br />

cra� smanship, and other skills as they assemble and refi ne<br />

their por� olio pieces. Each student selects representa� ve pieces,<br />

showcasing work that refl ects a unique style. Par� cular emphasis<br />

is placed on iden� fying short and long term professional employment<br />

goals, as well as related strategies and resources. (Prerequisite:<br />

Only by Permission of Academic Director)<br />

DPH430 Senior Project (4 credits)<br />

This course focuses on the comple� on of the por� olio and enables<br />

students to begin their career search. <strong>The</strong> student should<br />

come into this course with work for the por� olio and determine<br />

the quality of the work so those enhancements can be made.<br />

<strong>The</strong> student completes a professional resume and begins the job<br />

search. (Prerequisite: Only by Permission of Academic Director)<br />

FD100 Survey of the Fashion Industry (4 credits)<br />

Students are given an overview of the fashion industry, including<br />

design, produc� on and marke� ng of women’s, men’s, and children’s<br />

fashions, from the development of fi bers and fabrics to the<br />

strategies of fashion merchandisers and retailers. (Prerequisite:<br />

GEN095 or placement)<br />

FD121 Fundamentals of Construc� on (4 credits)<br />

Students demonstrate a working knowledge of s� tches, altera-<br />

� ons, seams, zippers and basic construc� on methods of garment<br />

making in a laboratory se� ng.<br />

FD123 Advanced Construc� on (4 credits)<br />

Further explora� on of construc� on techniques in a laboratory<br />

se� ng. Students use custom pa� erns to produce prfessional<br />

looking garments. (Prerequisite: FD121)<br />

78 Academic Programs<br />

FD127 Tex� les (4 credits)<br />

This course explores natural and manufactured fi bers, their produc�<br />

on, uses, characteris� cs, and proper� es. Content includes<br />

discussion of yarns, fabrics, fi nishes, design methods, aesthe� c<br />

applica� ons and ordering specifi ca� ons.<br />

FD128 Trends & Concepts in Apparel (4 credits)<br />

A comprehensive study of trend forecas� ng, demographics and<br />

social issues that aff ect fashion and related industries. (Prerequisite:<br />

FD100) Sequence: follows GEN109 at ILIC.<br />

FD219 Knitwear (4 credits)<br />

Techniques of knitwear and produc� on are stressed, with an<br />

emphasis on developing kni� ng specifi ca� ons. CAD so� ware is<br />

introduced. (Prerequisite: FD127) Sequence: follows GEN109 at<br />

ILIC.<br />

FD220 Fundamentals of Pa� ernmaking (4 credits)<br />

This is a laboratory course in which students analyze garment<br />

designs and apply basic fl at pa� ern techniques. (Prerequisite:<br />

FD123)<br />

FD222 Costume History (4 credits)<br />

This course covers historic, na� onal, and cultural themes in costume<br />

and fashion from ancient to modern � mes. (Prerequisite:<br />

FD100)<br />

FD223 Fashion Sketching & Illustra� on (4 credits)<br />

Students further explore techniques of fashion illustra� on for<br />

design communica� on. (Prerequisite: ART102, FD127)<br />

FD224 Advanced Pa� ernmaking (4 credits)<br />

Students analyze methods of garment manufacturing, including<br />

advanced pa� ernmaking and grading processes. Students<br />

develop produc� on pa� erns and specifi ca� ons suitable for manufacturing.<br />

(Prerequisite: FD220)<br />

FD226 Technical Drawing & Design (4 credits)<br />

Students study CAD design so� ware as used in garment and<br />

tex� le produc� on. Students develop their own printed tex� le<br />

designs on the computer. (Prerequisite: FD127, FD128, FD223)<br />

FD228 Research & Sourcing Fundamentals (4 credits)<br />

In this laboratory class, students analyze construc� on standards<br />

and techniques used in the ready-to-wear market. Research<br />

serves as the founda� on for developing skills in garment specifi<br />

ca� ons, assembly and fi nishing. (Prerequisite: FD100, FD220,<br />

FD226)<br />

FD232 Intro to Business & Retailing (4 credits)<br />

This course provides an overview of the business and retail<br />

environment. It examines and addresses basic terminology and<br />

concepts related to business trends, tradi� onal and non-store<br />

retailing, opera� ons and planning.

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