Course Descripons - The Art Institutes

Course Descripons - The Art Institutes

Course Descripons - The Art Institutes


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Academic Policies<br />

ments for access are made within a reasonable period of<br />

� me but in no case more than 45 days a� er the request<br />

was made. <strong>The</strong> student will be no� fi ed of the � me and<br />

place where the records may be inspected. <strong>The</strong> school may<br />

require the presence of a school offi cial during the inspec-<br />

� on and review of a student’s records.<br />

Certain limita� ons exist on a student’s right to inspect and<br />

review their own educa� on records. Those limita� ons<br />

include, for example, the following: (i) fi nancial informa-<br />

� on submi� ed by parents; (ii) confi den� al le� ers and<br />

recommenda� ons placed in their fi les prior to January 1,<br />

1975; (iii) confi den� al le� ers and recommenda� ons placed<br />

in their fi les a� er January 1, 1975 to which the student<br />

has waived the right to inspect and review and that are<br />

related to the student’s admission, applica� on for employment<br />

or job placement or receipt of honors. In addi� on,<br />

the term “educa� on record” does not include certain types<br />

of records such as, records of instruc� onal, supervisory,<br />

administra� ve, and certain educa� onal personnel who<br />

are in the sole possession of the maker thereof, and are<br />

not accessible or revealed to any other individual except a<br />

subs� tute. When a record contains personally iden� fi able<br />

informa� on about more than one student, the student<br />

may inspect and review only the informa� on that relates<br />

to him/her personally.<br />

Disclosure of Educa� onal Records<br />

<strong>The</strong> Illinois Ins� tute of <strong>Art</strong> generally does not permit<br />

disclosure of personally iden� fi able informa� on from the<br />

records of a student without prior wri� en consent of the<br />

student. Personally iden� fi able informa� on is disclosed<br />

(some items are mandatory, some discre� onary) from the<br />

records of a student without that student’s prior wri� en<br />

consent to the following individuals or ins� tu� ons or in the<br />

following circumstances:<br />

�� To the Illinois Ins� tute of <strong>Art</strong> offi cials who have been<br />

determined by the school to have legi� mate educa-<br />

� onal interests in the records. A school offi cial is:<br />

�� A person employed by the school or its corporate<br />

parent in an administra� ve, supervisory, academic, or<br />

research or support staff posi� on. This includes, but is<br />

not limited to human resources and accoun� ng staff<br />

for purposes of the tui� on reimbursement plan; or<br />

125 Academic Policies<br />

�� A person employed by or under contract to the school<br />

to perform specifi c tasks, such as an auditor, consultant,<br />

or a� orney, a person on the Board of Trustees, or<br />

a student serving on an offi cial commi� ee or assis� ng<br />

another school offi cial.<br />

�� Any school offi cial who needs informa� on about a<br />

student in the course of performing instruc� onal,<br />

supervisory,<br />

�� To certain offi cials of the United States Department<br />

of Educa� on, the Comptroller General of the United<br />

States, the<br />

�� To the A� orney General of the United States and state<br />

and local educa� onal authori� es in connec� on with<br />

state or federally supported educa� onal programs.<br />

�� In connec� on with the student’s request for, or receipt<br />

of, fi nancial aid necessary to determine the eligibility,<br />

amounts or condi� ons of fi nancial aid, or to enforce<br />

the terms and condi� ons of the aid.<br />

�� To organiza� ons conduc� ng certain studies for or on<br />

behalf of the school.<br />

�� To accredi� ng commissions or state licensing or regulatory<br />

bodies to carry out their func� ons.<br />

�� To parents of a dependent student, as defi ned in Sec-<br />

� on 152 of the Internal Revenue Code.<br />

�� To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena.<br />

�� To appropriate par� es in health or safety emergencies.<br />

�� To offi cials of another school, which a student seeks or<br />

intends to enroll.<br />

�� To an alleged vic� m of a crime of violence or a nonforcible<br />

sexual off ense, the fi nal results of the disciplinary<br />

proceedings conducted by the school against<br />

the alleged perpetrator of that crime or off ense with<br />

respect to that crime or off ense.<br />

�� To any person – not just the vic� m of a crime of violence<br />

or non-forcible sexual off ense – the fi nal results<br />

of the disciplinary proceedings described above but<br />

only if the school has determined that a student is<br />

the perpetrator of a crime of violence or non-forcible<br />

sexual off ense, and with respect to the allega� on made<br />

against him or her, the student has commi� ed a viola-<br />

� on of the ins� tu� on’s rules or policies. (<strong>The</strong> school, in<br />

such instances, may only disclose the name of the perpetrator–not<br />

the name of any other student, including

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