Course Descripons - The Art Institutes

Course Descripons - The Art Institutes

Course Descripons - The Art Institutes


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<strong>Course</strong> Descrip� ons<br />

Students are exposed to in depth analysis of the subjects, including<br />

biological processes and how they are aff ected. (Prerequisite:<br />

GEN102, and one course from GEN260-GEN286) (Off ered at ILIS)<br />

GEN365 Ethical Issues in Science (4 credits)<br />

In this research-based course students apply basic ethical principles<br />

to analysis of current societal concerns and controversies<br />

in science. <strong>The</strong>y learn about ethical dilemmas and how they arise<br />

from recent research. (Prerequisite: GEN102, and one course<br />

from GEN260-GEN286) (Off ered at ILIC)<br />

GEN380 Seminar In Physical Science (4 credits)<br />

This course provides students with the opportunity to build on<br />

their previous science experience to explore more advanced<br />

topics. (Prerequisite: GEN102, and one course from GEN260-<br />

GEN286) (Off ered at ILIS)<br />

GEN382 Acous� cs (4 credits)<br />

This course examines the physical behavior of sound indoors and<br />

outdoors. Topics include human hearing and the principles of psychoacous�<br />

cs, sound propaga� on, transmission, refl ec� on, diff rac-<br />

� on, diff usion, noise reduc� on, basic studio and room acous� cs,<br />

and sound isola� on. Concepts will be presented through lectures<br />

and case studies. (Prerequisite: GEN102, and GEN256, GEN279)<br />

(Off ered at ILIC)<br />

GEN399 General Educa� on Capstone (4 credits)<br />

This course bridges the general educa� on and major programs.<br />

Students apply knowledge and skills developed in general educa-<br />

� on courses to the inves� ga� on of topics relevant to their majors.<br />

Students engage in research, wri� ng, discussions, and presenta-<br />

� ons. (Required of all bachelors degree students.) (Prerequisite:<br />

All required 100-level courses; at least 5 200-level courses; and at<br />

least one course between 310 and 382)<br />

HM113 Intro to Hospitality Opera� ons (4 credits)<br />

This course is designed to provide students with a general overview<br />

of the hospitality industry. Throughout the course, students<br />

will develop a basic understanding of the size and scope of the<br />

hospitality industry with a specifi c emphasis on food and beverage<br />

and lodging opera� ons. In addi� on, students will explore<br />

many related topics, such as historical perspec� ve and current<br />

market trends, as introduced by today’s industry leaders.<br />

HM117 Diversity & Ethics in Hospitality (4 credits)<br />

This course focuses on many of the current issues associated<br />

with of ethics and diversity in today’s hospitality industry. Topics<br />

include decision making, problem solving, and eff ec� ve organiza�<br />

onal communica� on. Students are asked to assess their own<br />

behaviors and beliefs, while learning to develop strategies for<br />

building successful teams within hospitality organiza� ons.<br />

HM124 Hospitality Law (4 credits)<br />

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of hospitality<br />

law, as applicable to negligence, obliga� on and liability. Topics<br />

include an introduc� on to contract, licensing, and franchising<br />

89 Academic Programs<br />

laws, employer/employee rela� onships, and specifi c applica� ons<br />

to as they relate to the lodging, food and beverage, mee� ng,<br />

conven� on, and exposi� on management industries.<br />

HM226 Hospitality Sales & Marke� ng (4 credits)<br />

This course addresses the fundamental concepts and principles<br />

of sales and marke� ng within the hospitality industry. Emphasis<br />

will be placed on adver� sing, sales promo� on, merchandising,<br />

market research, public rela� ons, and marke� ng plan development.<br />

Students will gain insight into industry specifi c market<br />

demographics and segmenta� ons.<br />

HM229 Training & Development in Hospitality (4 credits)<br />

This class examines the role of service in the hospitality industry.<br />

Students will gain experience and insight into the training and<br />

management func� ons of a variety of hospitality opera� ons.<br />

Emphasis will be placed on the development, design, and implementa�<br />

on of quality customer service based training programs.<br />

In addi� on, students will analyze industry specifi c case studies.<br />

HM260 Hospitality Internship (4 credits)<br />

An externship is a monitored program where students work<br />

part-� me in a professional workplace approved by their department,<br />

applying their knowledge, skills and professionalism in a<br />

program-related environment. In the hospitality management<br />

externship, students apply their technical knowledge in a working<br />

hospitality opera� on. Students have the opportunity to observe<br />

and par� cipate in an opera� on related to their fi eld of study<br />

gaining prac� cal work experience prior to gradua� on. Hospitality<br />

Management students focus on management related du� es.<br />

Students work in a supervised and structured industry facility to<br />

gain prac� cal management work experience. Internship requires<br />

a signed learning agreement between both the student and<br />

employer prior to internship. <strong>The</strong> student must work a minimum<br />

of 132 hours to be eligible for course comple� on.<br />

HM310 Bar & Beverage Management (4 credits)<br />

This class will explore the role of the management of beverage<br />

services in bars, clubs, casinos, restaurants, resorts and hotels.<br />

Par� cular a� en� on will be given to the management of people in<br />

this fast-paced se� ng, and the inherent liability associated with<br />

alcoholic beverage service. A module on the increasing popularity<br />

of coff ee and tea service will be presented, with a poten� al<br />

career focus on this rapidly growing market.<br />

HM313 Emerging Hospitality Segments (4 credits)<br />

<strong>The</strong> con� nued growth of the hospitality industry has brought<br />

with it signifi cant changes to the face of the industry both in new<br />

segments and the expansion of other segments. This course will<br />

focus a� en� on on the management of new hospitality segments<br />

and trends including, e-rooms, new variety resorts, spor� ng<br />

venues, and entertainment and theater based segments. Addi�<br />

onally, this course will review the management and marke� ng<br />

of wellness center/re� rement community opera� ons, corporate<br />

and industrial feeding, club management, and casino and cruise<br />

line segments.

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