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Bilderberg policy is carried out by a 35 member Bilderberg Steering Committee, including an<br />

inner circle known as an Advisory Committee, which is said to be made up of Giovanni Agnelli<br />

(Italy), David Rockefeller (U.S.), Eric Roll (Great Britain), and Otto Wolff von Amerongen<br />

(Germany). Some of the Steering Committee members are: Henry Kissinger, Jessica T. Mathews<br />

(President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace), James D. Wolfensohn (President,<br />

World Bank), Marie-Josee Kravis (Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute), and Jorma Ollila (Chairman<br />

of the Board and CEO of Nokia Corp.). All American members of the Steering Committee are<br />

members of the CFR.<br />

A few of the Bilderberg permanent U.S. members are: George W. Ball, Gabriel Hauge,<br />

Richard C. Holbrooke, Winston Lord, Bill Moyers, and Paul Wolfowitz.<br />

The permanent Bilderberg Secretariat is located at: 1 Smidswater, the Hague, the Netherlands<br />

(though another address is sometimes reported at 2301 Da Leiden, in the Netherlands) Their<br />

address in America was at 345 E. 46th Street, in New York City (which was also the location of<br />

the Trilateral Commission, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace). The American<br />

Friends of Bilderbergs, with offices at 477 Madison Avenue (6th floor) in New York City, is an<br />

IRS-approved charitable organization that received regular contributions from the likes of<br />

Exxon, Arco, and IBM; while their meetings are funded by the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller<br />

Foundation, and the Carnegie Endowment Fund.<br />

The Goals 2000 program, developed during the presidency of George Bush to revamp the<br />

nation’s public school system, was born at the April, 1970, Bilderberger meeting in Bad Ragaz,<br />

Switzerland. The purpose of the new educational philosophy was the “subordination of national<br />

ambitions to the idea of the international community.” Because our schools are “too<br />

nationalistic,” children, in the future, will be indoctrinated to consider themselves “world<br />

citizens.”<br />

Prior to the 1971 meeting in Woodstock, Virginia, Prince Bernhard said that the subject of<br />

the meeting was the “change in the world role of the United States.” After the weekend<br />

conference, Kissinger was sent to Red China to open up trade relations, and an international<br />

monetary crisis developed, which prompted the devaluing of the dollar by 8.57% (which made a<br />

tremendous profit for those who converted to the European Currency).<br />

In 1976, fifteen representatives from the Soviet Union attended the meeting which was held<br />

in the Arizona desert, and it was believed, that at that time, the plans were formulated for the<br />

“break-up of communism in the Soviet Union.” At the 1978 meeting, they predicted that a<br />

depression would hit the world in 1979, and that the dollar would die. Their solution was to<br />

replace the dollar with an international ‘bancor’ system (international bank note) of currency that<br />

would be universally acceptable as a medium of exchange. The ‘bancor’ system would have the<br />

international gold reserve deposited in a neutral country. It is an offshoot of the same Keynesian<br />

system developed at Bretton Woods in 1944 from the idea by German economist Julius Wolf in<br />

1892. This system would protect the Illuminati when they spring their trap, and the world<br />

economy would crumble.<br />

At their 1990 meeting at Glen Cove, Long Island in New York, they decided that taxes had to<br />

be raised to pay more towards the debt owed to the International Bankers. And George Bush,<br />

who pledged during the campaign, “Read my lips- no new taxes!” found himself signing one of<br />

the biggest tax increases in history on November 15, 1990, a move which was a contributing<br />

factor to his defeat when he ran for re-election.<br />

At their 1991 meeting at the Black Forest resort in Baden Baden, Germany, they discussed<br />

plans for a common European currency, and European central banking; and reviewed Middle

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