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According to Anton LaVey, the self-proclaimed high priest of the Church of Satan in San<br />

Francisco, the two major Satanic observances are also Halloween and Walpurgisnacht.<br />

There are two other minor feasts, which divide the half-year into quarters. February 2nd,<br />

Imbolg, the Winter festival (also known as Imbolc or Oimelc), which was a pagan celebration<br />

marked with a torchlight procession to honor the various deities associated with agriculture,<br />

which was to purify and fertilize the fields prior to the planting season. As the Catholic Church<br />

Christianized pagan celebrations, it became known as the Feast of Purification of the Blessed<br />

Virgin Mary which is celebrated by the Roman, Creek, and Anglican churches, It is supposedly<br />

held to observe the event described in the 2nd chapter of Luke, when Mary went to the Temple<br />

for purification, which according to tradition iy happened forty days after the birth of Jesus.<br />

It was originally observed on February 14th, when Jesus was thought to have been born on<br />

the day of Epiphany. But when the date of his birth was changed to December 25th, the day was<br />

moved. It became known as Candlemas, because church candles are blessed that day, due to<br />

Simeon’s reference to the “light to lighten the Gentiles.” It was believed that these blessed<br />

candles, when put in a home, would protect it from evil. Pope Innocent XII (1691-1700) said:<br />

“Why do we in this feast carry candles? Because the Gentiles dedicated the month of February to<br />

the infernal gods, and at the beginning of it Pluto stole Proserpine, and her mother Ceres sought<br />

her in the night with lighted candles, so they, at the beginning of the month, walked about the<br />

city with lighted candles. Because the holy fathers could not extirpate the custom, they ordained<br />

that Christians should carry about candles in honor of the Blessed Virgin; and thus what was<br />

done before in honor of Ceres is now done in honor of the Blessed Virgin.”<br />

The other day is August 1st (July 31st according to A Witches’ Bible) the Summer festival,<br />

when the first corn was harvested. This was the Druid festival of Lughnasadh, which was<br />

dedicated to Lugh, the Celtic sun god. It has become known as Lammas (‘loaf-mass’). Witches<br />

celebrate this day to honor the sacred union of the goddess and the horned god.<br />

Also celebrated, to a lesser extent, are the four solar fire festivals: The vernal equinox of<br />

March 21st (Alban Eilir, or the spring festival), and the autumnal equinox of September 23rd<br />

(September 21st according to A Witches’ Bible, Alban Elfrad, or the autumn festival); and the<br />

two solstices (a Latin word which means “the sun stops”).<br />

June 22nd (Alban Hefin, or the mid-summer night festival) has become associated with the<br />

eve of St. John’s Day (June 24), which is when the Feast of Saint John the Baptist is held. This is<br />

the oldest Church observance, and is celebrated on the day of his birth. The exact day is<br />

unknown, but the Bible indicates that he was born six months before Jesus. It became part of the<br />

mid-summer celebrations because of the summer solstice, which is the beginning of summer<br />

(June 20), and the longest day of the year.<br />

December 22nd, known as Yule (Alban Arthan or the mid-winter festival), has become<br />

associated with the eve of St. Thomas Day (December 21), which is when the Feast of Saint<br />

Thomas is held. The observance was initiated in the 12th century to honor the apostle Jesus<br />

appeared to and showed his wounds after the Resurrection, because of his doubts. He is known<br />

as the patron saint of masons and architects. It became part of the winter celebrations because of<br />

the winter solstice, which is the beginning of winter (December 21), and the longest night of the<br />

year.<br />

Whether you know it or not, the Church of Wicca, the largest church in the country devoted<br />

to the practice of Witchcraft, is a federally recognized, tax exempt, non-profit, religious<br />

organization in the United States. The Church of Satan, which was founded in San Francisco in<br />

1966, is also considered a tax exempt religious organization.

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