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men bowed down, and prayed to the ‘God of their Fathers’ to have the strength to die, rather than<br />

face being captured. When they got up, they saw the Egyptian strike force engaged in retreat.<br />

Behind these lines was a car, which the Israelis captured. Inside the car was one of Nasser’s<br />

commanding generals, who said that they were retreating because they had been surrounded by<br />

an army dressed in white. Israel had no such army there. The 18,000 soldiers were never heard<br />

from again. A six-week search in Israel, the Sinai Desert, and Egypt failed to turn up any clues.<br />

Since it was already established that Israel did not have the resources to capture such a large<br />

number of men, what could have happened? National Geographic reported that on November 7,<br />

1957, at 6:33 a.m. there was an earthquake of substantial proportions on the Sinai peninsula,<br />

which lead to the speculation that the army could have been swallowed up by the earth. If this<br />

report was true, it most certainly was a sign that the Jews were indeed God’s chosen people.<br />

The Soviet Union began sending equipment to Iraq and Syria, while they continued to<br />

interfere in the internal affairs of other Arab nations through military coups and political<br />

assassinations. Only U.S. and British intervention prevented Communist takeovers in the Middle<br />

East, as in July 1958, when the Marines landed in Lebanon; and British forces, supporting King<br />

Hussein, landed in Jordan.<br />

On March 16, 1965, Nasser promised the Arabs an all-out offensive effort against Israel, if<br />

they would unite under him, as he hoped to become the President of the United States of Africa.<br />

He said: “We must arm 5,000,000 men and overwhelm the Israelis by sheer military might.”<br />

In 1967, Russia sent exaggerated reports to Egypt and Syria that Israel was preparing for war<br />

against Syria. This was a move by Syria to unify the Arab bloc countries. In a book written by<br />

Nasser, he revealed that his chief goal was to eliminate Israel as a nation, and to push them into<br />

the sea. On May 26th he said: “The Arab people want to fight. We have been waiting for the<br />

right time when we will be completely ready.” On May 28th he said: “We will not accept any coexistence<br />

with Israel.” On June 4th he said, concerning Israel: “We are facing you in battle and<br />

are burning with desire for it to start to obtain revenge.” The source of Nasser’s hatred for Israel<br />

can be traced back to a statement he made in December, 1962: “We feel the soil of Palestine is<br />

the soil of Egypt, and the whole Arab world. Why do we mobilize? Because we feel that the land<br />

of Palestine is part of our land, and we are ready to sacrifice ourselves for it.”<br />

Nasser ordered the UN to remove their troops, which they did; and he closed the crucial port<br />

of Eliat, on the Gulf of Aquaba, and blockaded the Tiran Straits. He then taunted Israel’s Chief<br />

of Staff Yitzhak Rabin by saying: “Let him come, I’m waiting.” The armies of Egypt, Jordan,<br />

Syria, and Lebanon surrounded Israel on all sides. Joining them were Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait,<br />

Sudan, and other Arab nations, which represented 25 times more manpower than Israel could<br />

field. On the evening of June 4, 1967, Nasser moved his Russian-made tanks and artillery into<br />

position. He knew that with America caught up in the Vietnam War, there would be no help for<br />

Israel.<br />

As daylight broke on June 5th, Israeli jets flew low from the north and began bombing the<br />

Egyptian Air Force. Israeli ships traded fire with Egypt’s naval power, and Israeli tanks rolled<br />

into the Sinai. As the events unfolded, Russia warned the major countries of the world to backoff,<br />

so the world sat back and waited, expecting a swift Arab victory. The victory never came.<br />

By the second day, Arab leaders watched their military being ground to bits. After six days, the<br />

Arab alliance was in retreat as Israeli soldiers captured the Sinai peninsula up to the Suez Canal,<br />

the Golan Heights including Mount Hermon (which would then become the “eyes and ears of<br />

Israel,” the entire West Bank of the River Jordan, and reclaimed the city of Jerusalem. Schlomo<br />

Goren, Ashkenazic (of Eastern European origin) Chief Rabbi of Israel, carried the Scrolls of the

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