2007 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2007 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2007 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association


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Paper A Systems Theory Understanding of Terrorism with<br />

Implications for Policy<br />

Miriam E. Mendelson, University of Akron<br />

Overview: An examination of the global Islamist terror movement<br />

from a complex systems perspective. This includes an overview of<br />

the terror system and its components, how this relates to systems<br />

theory and what are its implications for counterterrorism policy.<br />

Disc. Jane Kim, University of Essex<br />

Rashida Hussain, Wright State University<br />


ABROAD<br />

Room Salon 1, 3 rd Floor, Sat at 2:35 pm<br />

Chair Devashree Gupta, Carleton College<br />

Paper What Does it Mean to be American? Values, Identity and<br />

Patriotism<br />

Rebecca E. Blanton, City University of New York<br />

Overview: Results from a survey that directly questions people<br />

about their civic beliefs, their commitment to the American Creed,<br />

and the feelings of patriotism are presented.<br />

Paper Advocating Tolerance or Division: Multiculturalism Contested<br />

Annika M. Hinze, University of Illinois, Chicago<br />

Overview: The politics of multiculturalism has been a significant<br />

variable in debating the treatment of minority groups in Western<br />

democracies. This paper explores the contestedness of the term<br />

itself and the influence of its implementation.<br />

Paper Can American Democracy Be Sustained? Immigration,<br />

Diversity, and Conflict<br />

Joel Lieske, Cleveland State University<br />

Overview: Using data for nation states and the American states<br />

and counties, this paper explores the implications and<br />

consequences of expansionist immigration policies that are<br />

making the U. S. more racially, ethnically, religiously, and<br />

socially diverse.<br />

Paper States and Their Citizens Abroad: Dual Citizenship as a State<br />

Strategy<br />

Sybil D. Rhodes, Western Michigan University<br />

Arus Harutyunyan, Western Michigan University<br />

Overview: Examines the conditions under which countries decide<br />

to tolerate or encourage multiple citizenship, with case studies of<br />

Armenia, Mexico, and Spain.<br />

Disc. Devashree Gupta, Carleton College<br />


NATURE OF COOPERATION (Co-sponsored with<br />

Formal Modeling, see 34-15)<br />

Room Parlor F, 6 th Floor, Sat at 2:35 pm<br />

Chair Nathan A. Collins, Stanford University<br />

Paper Institutional Rules and the Evolution of Preferences: A<br />

Computer Simulation<br />

Douglas R. Oxley, University of Nebraska, Lincoln<br />

Kevin B. Smith, University of Nebraska, Lincoln<br />

Overview: A computer simulation is used to evaluate the impact<br />

of institutional rules on the evolution of cooperation.<br />

Paper Social Cues Speed the Determination of Cooperative Type in<br />

Economic Games<br />

John M. Fulwider, University of Nebraska, Lincoln<br />

Rhonda Saferstein, University of Nebraska, Lincoln<br />

Overview: Do social cues affect cooperation in economic games?<br />

We compare results from a standard, text-based presentation of the<br />

public goods game with a presentation where players see<br />

photographs and names of the other players.<br />

Paper Sociality as a Defensive Response to Loss: Laboratory<br />

Experiments<br />

Mikhail G. Myagkov, University of Oregon<br />

John Orbell, University of Oregon<br />

Timothy Johnson, Stanford University<br />

Overview: We report experimental results of how framing (gains<br />

vs. losses) affect behavior (and decision to enter) in games<br />

involving cooperation, altruistic punishment, games of status,<br />

ultimatum games etc. Experiments are conducted in Russia and in<br />

the U.S.<br />

Paper The Evolution of Cooperation Among Strangers in One Shot<br />

PD Games<br />

Oleg Smirnov, University of Miami<br />

Tim Johnson, Stanford University<br />

Overview: We present a model where cooperation evolves in a<br />

population of organisms that play one-shot games with randomly<br />

determined partners whose past choices are unknown. Cooperation<br />

evolves via a simple strategy, which we call COEQUAL.<br />

Paper Evolution of Altruistic Punishment: Effects of Information<br />

and Group Size<br />

Eser Sekercioglu, Stony Brook University<br />

Overview: An evolutionary game theoretic model of altruistic<br />

punishment is developed with two novelties: Effects of the size of<br />

group providing the public good and cost of information (i.e. cost<br />

of monitoring for cheaters).<br />

Disc. Nathan A. Collins, Stanford University<br />


Room Salon 8, 3 rd Floor, Sat at 2:35 pm<br />

Chair Meredith Rolfe, University of Oxford<br />

Paper Efficient Information Aggregation with Costly Voting<br />

Vijay Krishna, Pennsylvania State University<br />

John Morgan, University of California, Berkeley<br />

Overview: We show that sincere voting is an equilibrium of<br />

majority-rule and unanimity-rule voting games with private<br />

information and privately known costs of participation. The<br />

informational efficiency of these equilibria in large electorates is<br />

analyzed.<br />

Paper Voting for Coalitions: Strategic Voting under Proportional<br />

Representation<br />

Matias A. Bargsted, University of Michigan<br />

Orit Kedar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology<br />

Overview: We demonstrate that voters in PR systems vote based<br />

on expectations about coalition composition. In particular, they<br />

employ Duvergerian logic: when expecting an unfavorable<br />

coalition, they desert their first choice and endorse a lesser of<br />

evils.<br />

Paper Measuring Strategic Voting in a Single-Member Plurality<br />

System<br />

Andre Blais, Universite de Montreal<br />

Marc A. Bodet, McGill University<br />

Overview: This paper tests two methods of measuring strategic<br />

voting in SMP systems. We argue for an improved simulation<br />

method – one which is more theoretically appealing, and in some<br />

cases will yield more robust estimates of strategic voting.<br />

Paper Learning Strategic Voting: Tactical Voting in Hungarian<br />

Elections, 1994-2002<br />

James W. Endersby, University of Missouri<br />

Agnes Simon, University of Missouri<br />

Overview: Using data at the polling place level, this paper<br />

investigates strategic voting in a mixed, two-round electoral<br />

system and trends in tactical behavior across several parliamentary<br />

elections in the post-communist, transitional democracy of<br />

Hungary.<br />

Paper The Social Underpinnings of Strategic Voting: Priming in a<br />

Primary<br />

Anand E. Sokhey, Ohio State University<br />

Overview: This paper examines strategic voting in a gubernatorial<br />

primary election, positing that such behavior can be explained by<br />

political discussion – in social networks and civic organizations –<br />

priming considerations of candidate electability.<br />

Disc. Meredith Rolfe, University of Oxford<br />


Room PDR 5, 3 rd Floor, Sat at 2:35 pm<br />

Chair Brian J. Brox, Tulane University<br />

Paper <strong>Political</strong> Posters: (How) Do They Affect Viewers? An<br />

Experimental Approach<br />

Delia Dumitrescu, Ohio State University<br />

Overview: Using an experimental design, this paper proposes two<br />

psychological mechanisms by which repeated exposure to political<br />

posters might impact individual attitudes: (1) increase attitude<br />

accessibility; (2) increase group liking through “mere exposure”.<br />

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