2007 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2007 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2007 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association


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Paper Circumventing the Senate: The President’s Use of Recess<br />

Appointments on the NLRB<br />

Micheal S. Lynch, Washington University, St. Louis<br />

Anthony J. Madonna, Washington University, St. Louis<br />

Ryan J. Owens, Washington University, St. Louis<br />

Overview: Is the increase in recess appointments a politically<br />

motivated attempt to circumvent the Senate? This paper tests<br />

whether recess appointees vote differently than their Senateconfirmed<br />

counterparts on the National Labor Relations Board.<br />

Paper The Evolution of U.S. Governmental Attitudes and Responses<br />

to Terrorism<br />

Adam L. Silverman, Long Island University<br />

Jacob R. Straus, Frostburg State University<br />

Overview: This paper focuses on the historical reaction of the<br />

Executive and Legislative branches to acts of terrorism over<br />

history. We posit that the government has a history of overreaction<br />

and then must make adjustments before establishing a<br />

public policy.<br />

Paper The Executive-Legislative Balance of Power: New Measures of<br />

Legislative Success in Brazil, 1988 - 2005<br />

Monica Pachon, University of California, San Diego<br />

Overview: Using the Brazilian case, I propose measuring<br />

legislative success as the capacity to delay/stop as a whole/part an<br />

executive bill, and show how the opposition is successful<br />

amending/delaying the enactment process even with the existence<br />

of a cartel.<br />

Disc. Jesse T. Richman, Old Dominion University<br />

Ryan J. Vander Wielen , Temple University<br />



Room Burnham 1, 7 th Floor, Sun at 9:50 am<br />

Chair Donald Kommers, University of Notre Dame<br />

Paper Creating Credible Commitments: Courts in Transitional<br />

Democracies<br />

Minodora A. Buliga-Stoian, Binghamton University<br />

Geoff McGovern, SUNY, Binghamton<br />

Overview: This paper is a comparative study of the interaction<br />

between constitutional courts and political actors within<br />

transitional democracies, by introducing judiciaries into the<br />

political processes specified by previous transition models.<br />

Paper Should there be an Inspector General for the Federal Courts?<br />

Mark C. Miller, Clark University<br />

Overview: Based on interviews with Members of Congress and<br />

with Members of Parliament, this paper will compare courtlegislative<br />

interactions in the two societies.<br />

Paper By-Passing the Court: The Politics of Unconstitutional<br />

Legislation in Spain<br />

Gemma Sala, Yale University<br />

Overview: When policies transgress the constitutional<br />

arrangement, politicians engage in logrolling negotiations in order<br />

to by-pass the court and avoid their policies from reaching the<br />

judicial arena.<br />

Paper A Cross-National Analysis of Judicial Decision Making in the<br />

U.S., Canada and Australia<br />

David L. Weiden, Illinois State University<br />

Overview: This paper analyzes the attitudinal and legal models in<br />

the high courts of the U.S., Canada, and Australia, and proposes a<br />

new theory of cross-national judicial decision-making.<br />

Disc. Lydia B. Tiede, University of California, San Diego<br />

42-9 RACE, RIGHTS, AND HISTORY (Co-sponsored with<br />

Race, Class and Ethnicity, see 29-2)<br />

Room Clark 5, 7 th Floor, Sun at 9:50 am<br />

Chair Michael W. Combs, University of Nebraska, Lincoln<br />

Paper Reviving the Republican Face of Constitutional Rights:<br />

Abolition as a Constitutional Project<br />

Elizabeth Beaumont, University of Minnesota<br />

Overview: Refashions the relationship between rights and<br />

constitutional development by exploring how an engaged public<br />

participated in national rights debates shaping the Civil War and<br />

Amendments and recasting principles of federalism and<br />

republicanism.<br />

Paper The Supreme Court and the Paradox of Apartheid: Revisiting<br />

Brown<br />

Michael W. Combs, University of Nebraska, Lincoln<br />

Peter Hatemi, University of Nebraska, Lincoln<br />

Overview: In this paper, we argue that the Supreme Court and<br />

some of its decisions have promoted the convergence of cultural,<br />

political and economic factors and forces that foster and maintain<br />

educational apartheid in the schools of this nation.<br />

Paper Is a Slave 'Any Woman'? Slavery, Sex, and Claims of<br />

Citizenship in State of Missouri v. Celia, a Slave<br />

Joan Sitomer, University of Michigan<br />

Overview: This paper explores a defense attorney's attempt to<br />

push the raced and gendered boundaries of citizenship by framing<br />

a slave's story of sexual exploitation in universal terms and<br />

examines why that claim wasn't legible to the court.<br />

Paper Race, Police Power, and Constitutional Structure<br />

Kathleen S. Sullivan, Ohio University<br />

Overview: A study of the deployment of both white supremacist<br />

and civil rights readings of the police power in the late nineteenth<br />

century.<br />

Disc. Judith A. Baer, Texas A&M University<br />

Paul Kriese, Indiana University East<br />



Room Burnham 4, 7 th Floor, Sun at 9:50 am<br />

Chair Charles Sampson, University of Missouri<br />

Paper Values, Coalition Modification and Regime Replacement<br />

Charles L. Sampson, University of Missouri<br />

Timothy O. Smith, Missouri Department of Economic<br />

Development<br />

Overview: How are effective coalitions of stakeholders formed,<br />

modified and changed internally in order to implement public<br />

policy? Each of the three concepts: Punctuated Equilibrium,<br />

Advocacy Coalition Frameworks and Urban Regime Theory<br />

contribute to an understanding.<br />

Paper Determinants of the Responsiveness of Street-Level<br />

Bureaucrats: The Case of Los Angeles<br />

Kyu-Nahm Jun, University of Southern California<br />

Chris Weare, University of Southern California<br />

Juliet Musso, University of Southern California<br />

Ellen Shiau, University of Southern California<br />

Overview: This paper examines the managerial, technical and<br />

environmental factors that influence the performance of local<br />

public agencies from the perspectives of community stakeholders.<br />

Paper Power and Local Actors: Analyzing Antipoverity Housing<br />

Policy<br />

Jeffrey B. McLaughlin, University of California, Riverside<br />

Overview: This paper investigates local political forces that create<br />

a variation in the implementation of state mandates, and how the<br />

perceptions of local development elites cause a differential<br />

compliance in a California antipoverty housing policy.<br />

Paper Patterns of Cooperation: Coalitions in Local Public Health<br />

Practice<br />

Elise Papke, University of Illinois, Chicago<br />

Daivd R. Papke, Marquette University<br />

Overview: This paper explores the application of social network<br />

analysis to evaluating patterns of cooperation in community public<br />

health coalitions. Coalition effectiveness may be better<br />

understood with knowledge about structures of power in the<br />

network.<br />

Paper Agents of Social Change: Police Engagement in Social Policy<br />

Liliokanaio Peaslee, Brandeis University<br />

Overview: This paper examines how and why some police<br />

departments move away from traditional law enforcement and<br />

towards a proactive model of crime prevention that emphasizes<br />

partnerships with municipal and community-based social service<br />

agencies.<br />

Disc. Michael Craw, Michigan State University<br />

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