2007 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2007 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2007 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association


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Paper A Comparison of Wisconsin Park Departments and Illinois<br />

Park Districts<br />

David N. Emanuelson, Aurora University<br />

Overview: In this quantitative analysis, Illinois park districts and<br />

municipal park departments are compared to Wisconsin park<br />

departments in terms of service levels and efficiencies to identify<br />

the differences between states and structures of government.<br />

Paper Small Towns, Fiscal Stress and the Restructuring of Public<br />

Services<br />

Gary A. Mattson, Northern Kentucky University<br />

Overview: A twenty year retrospect of the municipal service<br />

policy behavior of 77 rural midwest county seat towns facing<br />

budgetary shortfalls.<br />

Paper Conciliated Model of Municipal Governance and Mayoral<br />

Rule in Cincinnati<br />

Stephen T. Mergner, University of Cincinnati<br />

Overview: This work is unique from the common approaches to<br />

mayoral leadership literature in that it takes the opposite approach<br />

and holds the officer-holder constant while analyzing multiple<br />

consequences of governmental reform.<br />

Disc. J. Edwin Benton, Universitiy of South Florida<br />



Room Clark 5, 7 th Floor, Sat at 4:25 pm<br />

Chair Richard C. Feiock, Florida State University<br />

Paper Tiebout Mobility Under Conditions of Electoral Competition<br />

Kenneth N. Bickers, University of Colorado<br />

Lapo Salucci, University of Colorado<br />

Overview: This paper tests the thesis that a high degree of<br />

electoral competition alters the incentives of citizens by creating<br />

effective opportunities for voice, thus decreasing the perceived<br />

attractiveness of exit.<br />

Paper Implementing Participatory Budgeting: The Case of<br />

Neighborhood Councils in Los Angeles<br />

Juliet Mussu, University of Southern California<br />

Michael Sithole, University of Southern California<br />

Mark Elliot, University of Southern California<br />

Christopher Weare, University of Southern California<br />

Overview: This paper provides a process evaluation of the<br />

implementation of a budgeting process in Los Angeles, and<br />

evaluates the extent to which the emergent process reflects the<br />

representative and deliberative requisites for effective<br />

participation.<br />

Paper Under Pressure: Does the Threat of Citizen Initiative Impact<br />

Local Policy Decisions?<br />

Tara A. Blanc, Arizona State University<br />

Barbara C. McCabe, Arizona State University<br />

Overview: Initiative election studies focus only on measures that<br />

reach the ballot; however, the mere threat of initiative may prompt<br />

officials to act to forestall popular response. We explore how this<br />

threat may be used to sway local growth policy decisions.<br />

Paper E-Democracy at the Local Level<br />

Tony E. Wohlers, Cameron University<br />

Overview: The increasing application of information and<br />

communication technologies in the public sector has contributed<br />

to remarkable advances in electronic- or e-government. Some<br />

argue that e-government strengthens the existing public service.<br />

Paper Government in Translation: The Local Politics of Language<br />

Policies<br />

Els de Graauw, University of California, Berkeley<br />

Overview: Drawing from both qualitative and quantitative data<br />

from fieldwork conducted in the San Francisco Bay Area, I<br />

analyze the role of nonprofit organizations catering to immigrants<br />

in the framing, legislation, and implementation of local language<br />

policies.<br />

Disc. Richard C. Feiock, Florida State University<br />

Megan Mullin, Temple University<br />


Room PDR 7, 3 rd Floor, Sat at 4:25 pm<br />

Chair Alesha E. Doan, University of Kansas<br />

Paper Predictors of State Stem Cell Research and Cloning Policies<br />

Sorina O. Vlaicu, George Mason University<br />

Connie L. McNeely, George Mason University<br />

Overview: This paper looks across U.S. states to analyze stem cell<br />

research and cloning policies and explain variations in policy<br />

outcomes. Options for federal policies are proposed.<br />

Paper How Does the National Competitiveness Discourse Influence<br />

Stem Cell Research Policymaking?<br />

Myong Hwa Lee, Northern Illinois University<br />

Overview: This paper addresses the development of the Korean<br />

permissive therapeutic cloning policies in terms of national<br />

competitiveness discourse. How did the national competitivness<br />

discourse dominate stem cell debate? How did the discourse<br />

influence stem cell research?<br />

Paper Politics, Policy and a Patchwork of Regulation: Embryonic<br />

Stem Cell Research<br />

Anne K. Davis, University of Michigan<br />

Overview: This paper examines the legal status of embryonic stem<br />

cell research at the national level and in the 50 states and focuses<br />

on the impact of state level efforts to fund, protect or restrict such<br />

research.<br />

Paper Creating Frankenstein: Morality, Politics and Stem Cell<br />

Research<br />

Alesha E. Doan, University of Kansas<br />

Overview: Stem cell research is increasingly becoming a salient<br />

political issue. This research explores two main components of the<br />

debate: the role of framing by active participants in the debate and<br />

the extent to which the public perceives stem cell research.<br />

Disc. Karsten Vrangbaek, University of Copenhagen<br />

Gerard W. Boychuk, University of Waterloo<br />


with Presidency and Executive Politics, see<br />

38-17)<br />

Room LaSalle 3, 7 th Floor, Sat at 4:25 pm<br />

Chair Chris Rodgers, University of Texas, Dallas<br />

Paper Presidential Influence of Financial Markets<br />

Thomas M. Martin, University of Kentucky<br />

Overview: A conceptual framework of presidential rhetoric and<br />

power, positing that the president’s rhetorical leadership creates<br />

market volatility in the Dow Jones Industrial Average.<br />

Paper A Historical Institutionalist Analysis of Bush's Social Security<br />

Reform<br />

Hector L. Ortiz, Syracuse University<br />

Overview: Bush’s Social Security reform allows us to explore the<br />

utility of historical institutionalists’ accounts of policy<br />

development and presidential leadership. I apply historical<br />

institutionalism to explain the process and the outcome of the<br />

reform.<br />

Paper Partisan Impacts on the Economy: Evidence from Prediction<br />

Markets<br />

Erik C. Snowberg, Stanford University<br />

Justin Wolfers, University of Pennsylvania<br />

Eric Zitzewitz, Stanford University<br />

Overview: We combine evidence from elections from 1880 to<br />

2004 with prediction market data and find that the victory of a<br />

Republican presidential candidate raises equity prices 2-3% versus<br />

the victory of a Democrat.<br />

Disc. Dean Spiliotes, New Hampshire Institute of Politics<br />

Chris Rodgers, University of Texas, Dallas<br />

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