Informe Anual 2012 - CBI - UAM

Informe Anual 2012 - CBI - UAM

Informe Anual 2012 - CBI - UAM


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Participación en Foros, Congresos, Talleres, etc.1 Castro-García M.A. Parallel data list processing on multicore-GPU platforms. InternationalConference on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Techniques and Applications. <strong>2012</strong>/07/16.2 Martínez-Martínez A. Findings based on a Systematic Mapping Study on Software ProductValue Estimation, Congreso Internacional de Investigación e Innovación en Ingeniería de Software,04/25-27/<strong>2012</strong>.3 Martínez-Martínez A., Diseño de un núcleo arquitectural para una línea de producto deaplicaciones de PACS, Congreso Internacional de Investigación e Innovación en Ingeniería deSoftware, 04/25-27/<strong>2012</strong>.4 Pérez-Cortes E. Evolutionary P2P networking enhancing path-diversity. <strong>2012</strong> IEEE Shin-EtsuSession. <strong>2012</strong>/10/13.5 Pérez-Cortes E. The evolution of cooperation in file Sharing P2P systems: First steps. 11thMexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. <strong>2012</strong>/10/31.6 Pérez-Cortes E. Evolutionary P2P networking using a path redundancy aware evaluation.The 16th Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems .<strong>2012</strong>/12/13.7 Pérez-Cortes E. Towards a distributed evolutionary P2P networking using a gene transferoperation. Symposium on Evolutionary Computation <strong>2012</strong>. <strong>2012</strong>/12/16.8 Pizaña M.A. Edge contraction on iterated clique graphs, (conferencia invitada). SecondMexican Winter School in Discrete Mathematics. <strong>2012</strong>/01/21.9 Pizaña M.A. Divide y vencerás en gráficas iteradas de clanes. XXVII Coloquio VíctorNeumann Lara de Teoría de las Gráficas Combinatoria y sus Aplicaciones. <strong>2012</strong>/03/05.10 Pizaña M.A. The clique operator considered as a functor. Latin American Workshop onCliques in Graphs. <strong>2012</strong>/11/05.11 Pizaña M.A. The clique operator as a functor. ACCOTA<strong>2012</strong> International WorkshopCombinatorial and Computational. <strong>2012</strong>/12/03.12 Román-Alonso. G. Two-level energy-based supplying partner selection protocol for mobileP2P 3D Streaming. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). <strong>2012</strong>/06/13.13 Román Alonso G. Time-distance path recommendation mechanisms for VANETs.DIVANet"12 in MSWiM"12. <strong>2012</strong>/10/21.14 Román-Alonso G., M.A. Castro-García. Pore networks simulation with parallel greedyalgorithms. <strong>2012</strong> IEEE/ACM 16th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real TimeApplications. <strong>2012</strong>/10/26.15 Román-Alonso G. A Distributed infrastructure-based congestion avoidance protocol forVANETs. IEEE Global Communications Conference <strong>2012</strong>. <strong>2012</strong>/12/04.Regresar a Producción CientíficaRegresar a Índice422

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