Informe Anual 2012 - CBI - UAM

Informe Anual 2012 - CBI - UAM

Informe Anual 2012 - CBI - UAM


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Área de Ingeniería BiomédicaArtículos de Investigación1 A. Jiménez-González, C J James. On the interpretation of the independent componentsunderlying the abdominal phonogram: a study of their physiological relevance. PhysiologicalMeasurement. Vol. 33. No. 2. pp. 297 - 314. <strong>2012</strong>.2 J. Alvarez-Ramirez, J.C. Echeverria, E. Rodriguez. Temporal variations of long-termcorrelations in seismic activity fluctuations. Physica A 391, <strong>2012</strong>, 2261–2267.3 MA Peña, MR Ortiz, JC Echeverría, J Álvarez-Ramírez, A Martínez, MT García, C Vargas-García, R González-Camarena. Effects of fetal respiratory movements on the short-term fractalproperties of heart rate variability. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. <strong>2012</strong>.4 María Teresa García González, José Mauricio Rodríguez Sánchez, Sonia CharlestonVillalobos, Tomas Aljama Corrales. Signal generation model of surface electromyography (SEMG).Preliminary results.5 Norma Castañeda Villa, Juan Manuel Cornejo, Christopher J. James, Natasha M. Maurits.Quantification of LLAEP interhemispheric symmetry by the interclass correlation coefficient as ameasure of cortical reorganization after cochlear implantation. International Journal of PediatricOthorrinolaryngology. vol.76 No. 12. pp. 1729-1736, <strong>2012</strong>.Memorias in Extenso1 Cadena-Mendez M, Azpiroz-Leehan J, Martínez-Licona F, Ramos N, Borja G, Rodriguez M,Diaz R, Negative effects of obesity analyzed through bioimpedance, indirect calorimentry,simpatovagal index and the clino-ortho maneouver, Proc. 34th Annual International Conference ofthe IEEE-EMBS, San Diego CA, 34:6526-6529, <strong>2012</strong>.2 Cadena Méndez Miguel. Fundamentos de la instrumentación. Un enfoque desde laIngeniería de Procesos. Congreso Nacional Multidisciplinario <strong>2012</strong>, Ixtapa, Guerrero. <strong>2012</strong>-05-04.3 Cadena Méndez Miguel. Measurement of abdominal adipose tissue in young female. 19th.European Congress on Obesity. <strong>2012</strong> – 05 -10.4 Cadena Méndez Miguel. Hemodialysis treatment cost reduction through a process OreintesMethodology. 9 th . HTAi Bilbao-<strong>2012</strong>. <strong>2012</strong> -08-26.5 Cadena Méndez Miguel.Solución tecnológica a los problemas de hemodiálisis. VI Jornadasde Ingeniería Clínica INNSZ <strong>2012</strong>-07-26.6 Cadena Méndez Miguel. Una solución tecnológica basada en metabolimetría para laobesidad. VI Jornadas de Ingeniería Clínica INNSZ. <strong>2012</strong>-07-27.7 Cadena Méndez Miguel. Analysis of the impact of medical tecnology assessment. 34 thAnnual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS. <strong>2012</strong>-08-28.423

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