Revista HUGV 2011 n.1 - Hospital Universitário Getúlio Vargas - Ufam

Revista HUGV 2011 n.1 - Hospital Universitário Getúlio Vargas - Ufam

Revista HUGV 2011 n.1 - Hospital Universitário Getúlio Vargas - Ufam

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Costa et alfatores de mau prognóstico envolvidos com ocaso, pincipalmente o tamanho da lesão, quea definiu como irressecavél ao diagnósticoe a localização em topografia de cabeça epescoco. 2,5,6 Em conclusão, a despeito dasmodalidades terapêuticas em vigência,incluindo cirurgia, radioterapia adjuvantee quimioterapia para tumores sem margemcirúrgica e/ou metastáticos, o prognósticodos TMBNPs continua bastante reservadonecessitando ampliação dos conhecimentosterapêuticos provavelmente por meio deestudos multicêntricos a fim de definirestratégias terapêuticas mais promissoras.Referências1. Salla, J; Johann, A; Garcia, B; Aguiar, M;Mesquita, A. Retrospective analysis of oralperipheral nerve sheath tumors in Brazilians.Braz Oral Res., 2009; 23(1):438.2. Start, A; Buhl, R; Hugo, H; Mehdoorn, H.Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors –Report of 8 Cases and Review of Literature. ActaNeurochirurgia., 2001; 143:357-364.3. Pinedo, R; Rebello, C; Barbosa, L; Bartoline,C; Cintra, L. Malignant Peripheral Nerve SheathTumor of Central Origin: Case Report and Reviewof literature. Brazilian Journal of Oncology.,2001; 47(4):435-39.4. Carli, M; Ferrari, A; Mattke, A; Zanetti,I; Casanova, M; Bisogno, G et. al. PediatricMalignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor:The Italian and German Soft Tissue SarcomaCooperative Group. Journal of Clinical Oncology.,2005, nov; 23(33):8.422-30.5. Patil, K; Mahima, V; Ambika, L. MalignantPeripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor: An elusivediagnosis. Indian Journal of Dental Research.,2007; 18(1):19-22.6. Kar, M; Deo, S; Shukla, N; Malik, A; DattaGupta,S; Mohanti, B et. al. Malignant Peripheral NerveSheath Tumors (MPNST) – Clinicopathological studand treatment outcome of twenty-four cases.World Journal of Surgical Oncology on line, 2006,ago; (app 8). Available from: http://www.wjso.com/content/4/I/55.7. Bess, N; Mireaux, C; Kiely E. Gastric malignantschwannoma in a chid. The British Journal OfRadiology., 1997, set; (70):952-55.8. Martins, M; Jesus, L; Fernandes, K; Bussarodi, S;Taghloubi, S; Martins, A. Intra-oral shiwannoma:Case report and literature review. Indian Journalof Dental Research., 2009; 20(1):121-25.9. Brent, K; Ogawa, M; David, L; Skaggs, M;Robert, M. Malignant Peripheral Nerve SheathTumor of the Lumbar Spine. American Journal ofOrthopedics., 2009; 38(5):E89-E92.10. Wong, W; Hirose, T; Scheithauer, B; Schild, S;Gunderson, L. Malignant peripheral nerve sheathtumor: analysis of treatment outcome. Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys., 1998; 42(2):351-60.11. Coffin, C; Cassity, J; Viskochil, D; Randall,R; Albritton, K. Non-neurogenic sarcomas in fourchildren and young adults with neurofibromatosistype 1. Am J Med Genet A., 2004; 127A(1):40-3.12. Amin, A; Saifuddin, A; Flanagan, A; Patterson,D; Lehovsky, J. Radiotherapyinduced malignantperipheral nerve sheath tumor of the caudaequina. Spine., 2004; 29(21):E506-E509.13. Lesic, A; Bumbasirevic, M; Atkinson, HDE;Maksimovic, R; Sopta, J; Atanackovic, M.Malignant intraosseous peripheral nerve sheathtumour of the proximal femur: a case report.Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, 2006; 14(1):84-9.14. Okoshi, A; Shiga, K; Sasaki, K; Asada, Y;Nishikawa, H; Kobayashi, T; Watanabe, M.Two cases of radiation-induced sarcoma afterradiation therapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho, 2008, Jul;111(7):533-6.15. Pappo, A; Devidas, M; Jenkis, J; Rao, B;Marcus, R; Thomas, P; Gebhardt, M; Pratt,C; Grier, H. Phase II Trial of NeoadjuvantVincristine, Ifosfamide, and Doxorubicin WithGranulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Supportin Children and Adolescents With Advanced-Stage Nonrhabdomyosarcomatous Soft TissueSarcomas: A Pediatric Oncology Group Study. JClin Oncol., 2005; 23:4.031-38.89revistahugv - <strong>Revista</strong> do <strong>Hospital</strong> Universitário Getúlio <strong>Vargas</strong>v.10. n. 1-2 jan./jul. – <strong>2011</strong>

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