Letno poročilo 2005

Letno poročilo 2005

Letno poročilo 2005


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Laboratorij za biotehnologijo<br />

Laboratory of Biotechnology<br />

Pripravili smo rekombinantni senzor za<br />

spremljanje kalcija, pH in proteazne aktivnosti,<br />

ki omogo~ajo in vivo spremljanje koncentracije<br />

kalcija, vrednosti pH in aktivnost citosolnih<br />

proteaz gliv. Osnovni gradniki senzorjev so<br />

zeleni fluorescirajo~i proteini. Senzor za kalcij<br />

smo v povezavi z University of Edinburgh<br />

analizirali z metodo FLIM-FRET (Förster resonance<br />

energy transfer in fluorescence lifetime<br />

imaging microscopy), ki je potrdila mo`nost<br />

uporabe omenjenega senzorja v glivah. Z<br />

rekombinatnim senzorjem za pH smo dolo~ili<br />

znotraj celi~no pH vrednost pri glivah in potrdili,<br />

da je uravnavanje znotrajceli~ne vrednosti pH<br />

povezano z uravnavanjem znotrajceli~ne<br />

koncentracije kalcija, saj pri glivah z okvarjenimi<br />

kalcijevimi ~rpalkami pride do dviga znotrajceli~ne<br />

vrednosti pH. V na{em laboratoriju smo<br />

pridobili keratinazo s fermentacijo s submeznim<br />

gojenjem glive v bioeraktorju in jo testirali pri<br />

na{ih sodelavcih v Angliji. Rezultati so pokazali,<br />

da je z encimom mo`no izbolj{ati propustnost<br />

modelne keratinske membrane. V letu <strong>2005</strong><br />

smo preizkusili okrog 100 sevov gliv na<br />

izbranem modelnem substratu za Bayer-<br />

Villigerjevo reakcijo, s katerim je mo`no pridobiti<br />

po dve stereo in dve opti~ni izomeri. [tevilne<br />

glive so bile sposobne transformirati substrat,<br />

vendar so bili produkti razli~ni. Glede na profil<br />

in opti~no ~istost dobljenih produktov smo glive<br />

lahko razvrstili v {tiri skupine.<br />



- Lek, d.d., Ljubljana: raziskave na podro~ju<br />

biotehnologije ter razvoju novih zdravil<br />

- BIA Separations d.o.o, Ljubljana: dva skupna<br />

projekta<br />


mednarodni projekti:<br />

- Dva evropska projekta v okviru 5. okvirnega<br />

programa: ANTICO in ANEPID<br />

- Dva evropska projekta v okviru 6. okvirnega<br />

programa: Eurofungbase in TSEUR<br />

146<br />

activation- and inhibition in presence of different<br />

metabolites.<br />

A recombinant sensor for calcium, pH and proteolytic<br />

activity detection was prepared which<br />

enable in vivo detection of calcium concentration,<br />

pH value and activity of cytosolic proteases<br />

in fungi. Essential building blocks of the sensors<br />

are green fluorescent proteins. The calcium<br />

sensor was analyzed, in cooperation with partners<br />

from the University of Edinburgh with the<br />

FLIM-FRET (Förster resonance energy transfer<br />

in fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy)<br />

method, confirming the possibility of application<br />

of the sensor in fungi. With the recombinant<br />

sensor for the pH we determined the<br />

intracellular pH value in fungi and we confirmed<br />

that the intracellular control was connected<br />

with the control of the intracellular calcium concentration,<br />

since in fungi with damaged calcium<br />

pumps an increase of intracellular pH occurred.<br />

In our Laboratory, a fungal keratinase<br />

was produced in a bioreactor by submerged<br />

fermentation and our British partners tested the<br />

enzyme. Results showed that by using the enzyme<br />

it was possible to increase permeability<br />

of a keratinous membrane. In <strong>2005</strong> we tested<br />

around 100 fungal strains on a selected model<br />

substrate, for Baeyer-Villiger oxidation, which<br />

enables the production of two stereo- and two<br />

optical isomers. Several fungi were able to transform<br />

the substrate. However, the obtained<br />

products were different. According to the profile<br />

and optical purity of the products the fungi<br />

could be classified into four different groups.<br />



- Lek, d.d., Ljubljana, Menge{ unit, Slovenia:<br />

research of fungal metabolism and molecular<br />

biology of Streptomycetes<br />

- BIA Separations d.o.o, Ljubljana, Slovenia:<br />

two joint projects<br />


international projects:<br />

- Two projects within the 5 th Framework Programme:<br />


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