Letno poročilo 2005

Letno poročilo 2005

Letno poročilo 2005


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medicino in bioznanosti Raziskovalnega centra<br />

Borstel v Nem~iji. Pape`evo sepso, kot ve~ino<br />

vseh primerov sepse, je povzro~il endotoksin iz<br />

gram-negativnih bakterij. Imunski odziv in<br />

uporaba antibiotikov lahko iz propadajo~ih<br />

bakterij sprostita endotoksin. Zdravilo, ki bi<br />

lahko po eni strani uni~ilo gram-negativne<br />

patogene in isto~asno nevtraliziralo endotoksin,<br />

je neke vrste sveti gral na podro~ju raziskav<br />

sepse. Sedaj Roman Jerala in sodelavci s<br />

Kemijskega in{tituta, Ljubljana, Slovenija<br />

poro~ajo o sintezi novih spojin, ki zdru`ujejo ti<br />

dve lastnosti.<br />

»To delo prispeva k znanju o za{~itnem<br />

delovanju tovrstnih spojin, ki bi lahko bile<br />

SLIKA 2:<br />

Fluorescen~ni preto~ni celi~ni sorter omogo~a<br />

lo~evanje celic na osnovi njihovih lastnosti in tudi<br />

isto~asne meritve ve~jega {tevila citokinov v raztopini<br />

na osnovi principa multipleksinga. Ta naprava<br />

omogo~a izolacijo homogenih celi~nih frakcij in<br />

analizo izra`anja posameznih celi~nih markerjev.<br />

In{trument je bil kupljen s sodelovanjem L11, L12 in<br />

konzorcija slovenskih raziskovalnih organizacij<br />

Laboratorij za biotehnologijo<br />

Laboratory of Biotechnology<br />

Klaus Brandenburg of the Leibniz-Center for<br />

Medicine and Biosciences, Research Center<br />

Borstel, Borstel, Germany. The Pope’s sepsis, like<br />

most, was induced by endotoxin from gramnegative<br />

bacteria. Immune reaction and antibiotics<br />

can both cause dying bacteria to release<br />

endotoxin. A drug that could both kill gramnegative<br />

pathogens and neutralize endotoxin<br />

has been a holy grail. Now Roman Jerala and<br />

colleagues of the National Institute of Chemistry,<br />

Ljubljana, Slovenia, report the synthesis of<br />

novel oleoylamines that combine the two properties.<br />

This work “adds to the growing body of<br />

literature on the protective effects of such compounds<br />

that may be of prophylactic value in<br />

FIGURE 2:<br />

Fluorescence cell sorter allows the separation of cells<br />

based on their specific properties as well as quantification<br />

of several components in the solution based<br />

on the multiplexing. The instrument allows the separation<br />

of homogeneous cell fractions and analysis of<br />

the level of expression of specific cellular markers.<br />

The instrument was purchased by L11, L12 and the<br />

consortium of Slovenian research organizations.<br />


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