3 The New York Years (1931–1953)

3 The New York Years (1931–1953)

3 The New York Years (1931–1953)


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46 2 <strong>The</strong> Budding Scientist<br />

Erwin Stresemann emphasized that extant birds provide a number of borderline<br />

cases between species and subspecies and that the taxonomic rank of geographically<br />

separated (allopatric) taxa as subspecies or species is to be determined by<br />

inference on the basis of several auxiliary criteria (Stresemann 1921: 66):<br />

(1) Similarity or dissimilarity in morphological and other biological characteristics<br />

(ecological requirements, voice, etc.),<br />

(2) overlap or nonoverlap of individual variation in several characteristics,<br />

(3) comparison with other congeneric forms that are in contact and either hybridize<br />

(subspecies) or overlap their ranges without hybridization (species).<br />

Stresemann had established some ties between ornithology and genetics through<br />

a series of publications. Based on the work of Seebohm, Berlepsch, Hartert, Kleinschmidt,<br />

Hellmayr and their extensive discussions of the species problem, he had<br />

initiated a theoretical broadening of the Seebohm-Hartert tradition in the direction<br />

of the “new systematics.” This conceptual modernization was continued by<br />

Bernhard Rensch and, in particular, Ernst Mayr (pp. 204–206).<br />

During the late 1920s Mayr also reviewed several publications for Stresemann’s<br />

Ornithologische Monatsberichte.Muchofhissparetimehedevotedtobirdexcursions<br />

around Berlin discovering, e.g., that the Willow Tit (Parus montanus)wasfar<br />

more common in Brandenburg than recorded in bird books; probably it had been<br />

often confused with its sibling species, the widespread Marsh Tit (P. palustris).<br />

A report of his observations on this species appeared in the Journal für Ornithologie<br />

(1928). He also published notes on the nesting of the Chaffinch (1926a) and the<br />

House Martin (1926c), on the occurrence of the Waxwing (1926g), the calls of the<br />

Bittern (1927c), on snake skins as nest material (1927d) and he often accompanied<br />

Gottfried Schiermann (1881–1946), whose population studies at that time were<br />

pioneer efforts continued in Germany only many years later.<br />

Mayr reported: “My best friend in Berlin, except of course for Stresemann, was<br />

Gottfried Schiermann, a superb field ornithologist. I met him through Stresemann<br />

andthroughthemeetingsoftheDOG.SchiermannwassomucholderthanI,<br />

he could have been my father. He had no academic background but had been an<br />

ardent egg collector in his younger years. <strong>The</strong> bird censuses and ecological studies<br />

he published in the 1920s and 30s are pioneering. I loved to go in the field with<br />

him because he was such an acute observer. One day, just going through the woods<br />

together, he discovered 54 occupied bird nests. This included such difficult to find<br />

nests as that of the Wood Warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix). He was a specialist in<br />

finding the nests of birds of prey, most of whom use abandoned crows nests as their<br />

first foundation. Hence, in suitable woods he mapped in winter all the old crow<br />

nests and old hawk nests and then checked them systematically during the season<br />

foroccupancybyhawks.Ioncemadeamemorabletripwithhimtothelower<br />

Spreewald where he showed me nesting Black Storks, and woodland White Storks,<br />

as well as many other exciting things. (We were nearly eaten up by the mosquitoes).<br />

He took me out to the nesting place of the Rohrschwirl (Savi’s Warbler, Locustella<br />

luscinioides), where I was lucky enough to find a nest of this species (Fig. 2.2).

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