The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism [1911] - Get a Free Blog

The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism [1911] - Get a Free Blog

The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism [1911] - Get a Free Blog


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ia M<strong>in</strong>or was colonized by the Persians. <strong>The</strong> up<br />

lands of Anatolia resembled those of Persia <strong>in</strong> climate<br />

and soil, and were especially adapted to the rais<strong>in</strong>g of<br />

horses. 1 7 In Cappadocia<br />

and even <strong>in</strong> Pontus the aris<br />

tocracy who owned the soil belonged to the conquer<strong>in</strong>g<br />

nation. Under the various governments which fol<br />

lowed after the death of Alexander, those landlords<br />

rema<strong>in</strong>ed the real masters of the country, chiefta<strong>in</strong>s of<br />

clans govern<strong>in</strong>g the canton where they<br />

had their do<br />

ma<strong>in</strong>s, and, on the outskirts of Armenia at least, they<br />

reta<strong>in</strong>ed the hereditary title of satraps through all<br />

political vicissitudes until the time of Just<strong>in</strong>ian, thus<br />

recall<strong>in</strong>g their Persian orig<strong>in</strong>. 18 This military and<br />

feudal aristocracy furnished Mithradates Eupator a<br />

considerable number of the officers who helped him <strong>in</strong><br />

his long defiance of Rome, and later it defended the<br />

threatened <strong>in</strong>dependence of Armenia aga<strong>in</strong>st the enter<br />

prises of the Caesars. <strong>The</strong>se warriors worshiped<br />

Mithra as the protect<strong>in</strong>g genius of their arms, and<br />

this is the reason why Mithra always, even <strong>in</strong> the<br />

Lat<strong>in</strong> world, rema<strong>in</strong>ed the &quot;<strong>in</strong>v<strong>in</strong>cible&quot; god, the tute<br />

lary deity of armies, held <strong>in</strong> special honor by warriors.<br />

Besides the Persian nobility a Persian clergy had<br />

also become established <strong>in</strong> the pen<strong>in</strong>sula. It officiated<br />

<strong>in</strong> famous temples, at Zela <strong>in</strong> Pontus and Hierpcaesarea<br />

<strong>in</strong> Lydia. Magi, called mtfgousaioi or pyrethes (fire<br />

lighters) were scattered over the Levant. Like the<br />

Jews, they reta<strong>in</strong>ed their national customs and tra<br />

ditional rites with such scrupulous loyalty that Barde-<br />

sanes of Edessa cited them as an example <strong>in</strong> his at<br />

tempt to refute the doctr<strong>in</strong>es of astrology and to show<br />

that a nation can reta<strong>in</strong> the same customs <strong>in</strong> different<br />

climates. 1 ^ We know their religion sufficiently to be

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