The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism [1911] - Get a Free Blog

The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism [1911] - Get a Free Blog

The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism [1911] - Get a Free Blog


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antiken Astrologie (Neue Jahrb. fur das klass. Altert., XI),<br />

1908, pp. 104 ff. For the bibliography of magic, cf. <strong>in</strong>fra, notes,<br />

58 ff.<br />

i. Stephan. Byzant. (Cat. codd. astr., II, p. 235), I, 12:<br />

E^o^wrar?? nal iraarjs iwuTrfyttft dic-rroiva. <strong>The</strong>ophil. Kdess., ibid.,<br />

V, I, p. 184: &quot;QTiiraauvTifjuwTiparexvuv. Vettius Valens, VI,<br />

proem, (ibid., V, 2, p. 34, 7 = p. 241, 19, Kroll ed.) : T/s yap<br />

oi K av Kpivai Tavrrjv TTJV decjpiav Tractiv 7rpov%iv K.CU fiaKapiurar^v rvy-<br />

2. Cf. Louis Havet, Revue bleue, Nov., 1905, p. 644.<br />

3. Cf. supra, p. 146, p. 123.<br />

4. Kroll, Aus der Gesch. der Astrol (Ncuc Jahrb. fur das<br />

klass. Altertum, VII), 1901, pp. 598 ff. Cf. Boll, Cat. codd.<br />

astr., VII, p. 130.<br />

5. <strong>The</strong> argumentation of Posidonius, placed at the beg<strong>in</strong><br />

n<strong>in</strong>g of the Tetrabiblos, <strong>in</strong>spired the defense of astrology, and<br />

it has been drawn upon considerably by authors of widely<br />

different spirit and tendencies, see Boll, Studicn uber Claudius<br />

Ptolemdus, 1894, pp. 133 ff.<br />

6. Suetonius, Tib., 69.<br />

7. Suetonius, Otlwn, 8; cf. Bouchc-Lcclercq, p. 556, n. 4.<br />

8. On these edifices, cf. Maass, Tagesgottcr, 1902. <strong>The</strong> form<br />

&quot;Septizonia&quot; is preferable to &quot;Septizodia&quot; ; cf. Schiirer, Sieben-<br />

tdgige Wochc (Extr. Zeitschr. neutestam. Wissensch., VI),<br />

1904, pp. 31, 63.<br />

9. Friedlander, Sittengesch., I, p. 364. It appears that astrol<br />

ogy never obta<strong>in</strong>ed a hold on the lower classes of the rural<br />

population. It has a very <strong>in</strong>significant place <strong>in</strong> the folklore<br />

and heal<strong>in</strong>g arts of the peasantry.<br />

10. Manilius, IV, 16. For <strong>in</strong>stance CIL, VI, 13782, the epi<br />

taph of a Syrian freedman : &quot;L. Caecilius L. l(ibertus) Syrus,<br />

natus mense Maio hora noctis VI, die Mercuri, vixit aim. VI<br />

dies XXXIII, mortuus est IIII Kal. lulias hora X, elatus est<br />

h(ora) III frequentia maxima.&quot; Cf. Bucheler, Carm. cpigr.,<br />

1536:<br />

&quot;Voluit hoc astrum meum.&quot;<br />

11. Chapter ITepi Setirvov ; Cat. codd. astr., IV, p. 94. <strong>The</strong><br />

precept : &quot;Ungues Mercuric, barbam love, Cypride cr<strong>in</strong>em,&quot;

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