The book Arran; - Cook Clan

The book Arran; - Cook Clan

The book Arran; - Cook Clan


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That the said Laird of Ardkinglas Campbell of Strawhur<br />

James Campbell of Orinsarey Captane Broun &<br />

Broun his brother did commit the forsaid depradation and did waste<br />

spulzie kill and destroy of horses mares & kyne (besides other<br />

bestiall & goods perteaneing to the said deceast Duke his tennents<br />

in the said yle) at the tyme lybelled to the value and availl of fourtie<br />

thousand merks Scots money And als finds that the losse Sustained<br />

be the saids Duke and Dutches throw the lyeing of the saids lands<br />

waste be reason of the said devastation for the space of Sex yeers<br />

therafter or therby doth amount to the sume of Twentie thousand<br />

merks money forsaid over and above the losse of the said bestiall &<br />

other goods And which haill losses do extend to the sume of threescore<br />

thousand merks scots money Thairfor our Soverane Lord with<br />

consent of Parliament forsaid Decernes & Ordanis the said James<br />

Campbell of Orinsarie Captane Broun & Broun<br />

his brother to mak payment to William now Duke of Hamiltoun and<br />

to Anna dutches of Hamiltoun and said Ladie (as having licence to<br />

persew in maner forsaid) of the forsaid sum of threescore thousand<br />

merks as for the saids severall losses susteaned be them and thair<br />

saids vassalls in maner respective above-specifit <strong>The</strong> said Duke and<br />

Dutches of their oune consent upon payment of the said sume or<br />

securitie therfor, obleidgeing themselves to warrand the saids de-<br />

fenders at the hands of the saids vassals and tennents But preiudice<br />

alwayes to his Maties interesse for the saids wrongs & violences in<br />

any tyme heirafter as accords of the law As also reservean action of<br />

releiff at the instance of the said James Campbell of Orinsary or any<br />

other of the said James Campbell of Ardkinglas who gave them order<br />

to goe to the said yle of Arren in maner forsaid as accords of the law.^<br />

<strong>The</strong>re we must leave the matter, in the doubtful hope<br />

that all parties got satisfaction.<br />

Five years after this, in the year of Worcester, Brodick<br />

Castle was one of the four in Scotland still holding out for<br />

Charles ii. But on April 6, 1652, Major-General Deane,,<br />

holding the Scottish command for Cromwell, sent a detachment<br />

from the garrison at Ayr to occupy the place. <strong>The</strong><br />

1 Acts of Parliament, vol. vii. pp. 248-50.

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