Powering Europe - European Wind Energy Association

Powering Europe - European Wind Energy Association

Powering Europe - European Wind Energy Association


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GatE ClosURE Is the point in time when generation and demand schedules are notified to the<br />

system operator.<br />

inERtia Of a power system is the sum of all rotating mass inertias of the connected<br />

generation opposing a change of system frequency. The rotational speed of<br />

synchronous generators is an exact representation of the system frequency. In<br />

the very first moments after loss of generation the inertia of the rotating machinery<br />

helps to keep the system running.<br />

intERConnECtED systEM An INTERCONNECTED SYSTEM is a system consisting of two or more individual<br />

electric systems that normally operate in synchronism and are physically connected<br />

via TIE-LINES, see also: SYNCHRONOUS AREA (UCTE).<br />

intERConnECtion An INTERCONNECTION is a transmission link (e.g. TIE-LINE or transformer)<br />

which connects two CONTROL AREAS (UCTE).<br />

loaD Means an end-use device or customer that receives power from the electric<br />

system. LOAD should not be confused with DEMAND, which is the measure of<br />

power that a load receives or requires. LOAD is often wrongly used as a synonym<br />

for DEMAND (UCTE).<br />

loaD faCtoR See CAPACITY FACTOR<br />

MinUtE REsERVE {15 Minute Reserve} See: TERTIARY CONTROL RESERVE<br />

n-1 CRitERion The N-1 CRITERION is a rule according to which elements remaining in operation<br />

after failure of a single network element (such as transmission line /<br />

transformer or generating unit, or in certain instances a busbar) must be capable<br />

of accommodating the change of flows in the network caused by that single<br />

failure (UCTE).<br />

n-1 safEty Means that any single element in the power system may fail without causing a<br />

succession of other failures leading to a total system collapse. Together with<br />

avoiding constant overloading of grid elements, (N-1)-safety is a main concern<br />

for the grid operator.<br />

nEt tRansfER CaPaCity Maximum value of generation that can be wheeled through the interface between<br />

the two systems, which does not lead to network constraints in either<br />

system, respecting technical uncertainties on future network conditions.<br />

PowER CURVE Relationship between net electric output of a wind turbine and the wind speed<br />

measured at hub height on 10 min average basis.<br />

PRiMaRy ContRol Maintains the balance between GENERATION and DEMAND in the network using<br />

turbine speed governors. PRIMARY CONTROL is an automatic decentralised<br />

function of the turbine governor to adjust the generator output of a unit as a<br />

consequence of a FREQUENCY DEVIATION / OFFSET in the SYNCHRONOUS<br />

AREA: PRIMARY CONTROL should be distributed as evenly as possible over<br />

units in operation in the SYNCHRONOUS AREA.<br />


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