Powering Europe - European Wind Energy Association

Powering Europe - European Wind Energy Association

Powering Europe - European Wind Energy Association


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<strong>Wind</strong>power’scontributiontofirmpower<br />

As a consequence a large diversity can be seen in<br />

the estimation of the capacity value in the practice of<br />

system planning at <strong>Europe</strong>an level by national TSOs,<br />

for example in the annual System Adequacy Forecast<br />

[SAF, 2010]. There is a need to establish and utilise<br />

a harmonised method for wind power capacity credit<br />

82<br />

assessment in <strong>Europe</strong>an generation adequacy forecast<br />

and planning, in order to properly evaluate the<br />

contribution of wind power to system adequacy. This<br />

would also constitute a basis for valuating wind power<br />

capacity in the future liberalised electricity market.<br />

fiGURE 5: CaPaCity CREDit of winD PowER, REsUlts fRoM EiGht stUDiEs. thE iRElanD EstiMatEs wERE MaDE foR two<br />

PowER systEM ConfiGURations; with 5 Gw anD 6.5 Gw PEak loaD [holttinEn, 2009]<br />

Capacity credit<br />

45%<br />

40%<br />

35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

Capacity credit of wind power<br />

0%<br />

0% 10% 20% 35% 40% 50% 60%<br />

<strong>Wind</strong> power penetration as % of peak load<br />

Germany<br />

Mid Norway 3 wind farms<br />

Mid Norway 1 wind farm<br />

Ireland ESBNG 5GW<br />

Ireland ESBNG 6.5GW<br />

UK 2007<br />

US Minnesota 2004<br />

US Minnesota 2006<br />

US New York on-off-shore<br />

US California<br />

fiGURE 6: inCREasE in CaPaCity CREDit in EURoPE DUE to winD EnERGy ExChanGE bEtwEEn thE CoUntRiEs in thE 2020<br />

MEDiUM sCEnaRio (200 Mw, 12% PEnEtRation) [tRaDEwinD, 2009]. UCtE2 inClUDEs fRanCE, bEnElUx, GERMany, switzERlanD<br />

anD aUstRia<br />

Capacity credit [MW]<br />

30,000<br />

25,000<br />

20,000<br />

15,000<br />

10,000<br />

5,000<br />

0<br />

UCTE 2<br />

Top ten wind countries<br />

All <strong>Europe</strong>an countries<br />

No wind energy exchange Smoothing effect<br />

Relative Capacity Credit,<br />

percentage of installed capacity<br />

16%<br />

14%<br />

12%<br />

10%<br />

8%<br />

6%<br />

4%<br />

2%<br />

0<br />

UCTE 2<br />

Top ten wind countries<br />

All <strong>Europe</strong>an countries<br />

No wind energy exchange Smoothing effect<br />

<strong>Powering</strong> <strong>Europe</strong>: wind energy and the electricity grid

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