“Catch-22” By Joseph - Khamkoo

“Catch-22” By Joseph - Khamkoo

“Catch-22” By Joseph - Khamkoo


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“Catch-22” <strong>By</strong> <strong>Joseph</strong> Heller 125<br />

‘Look, I might keep interested in this if you stop shouting it all over the island and if you<br />

stick to killing Colonel Cathcart. But if you’re going to turn this into a blood bath, you can<br />

forget about me.’<br />

‘All right, all right,’ Dobbs sought to placate him. ‘Just Colonel Cathcart. Should I do it?<br />

Tell me to go ahead.’ Yossarian shook his head. ‘I don’t think I could tell you to go<br />

ahead.’ Dobbs was frantic. ‘I’m willing to compromise,’ he pleaded vehemently. ‘You<br />

don’t have to tell me to go ahead. Just tell me it’s a good idea. Okay? Is it a good idea?’<br />

Yossarian still shook his head. ‘It would have been a great idea if you had gone ahead<br />

and done it without even speaking to me. Now it’s too late. I don’t think I can tell you<br />

anything. Give me some more time. I might change my mind.’<br />

‘Then it will be too late.’ Yossarian kept shaking his head. Dobbs was disappointed.<br />

He sat for a moment with a hangdog look, then spurted to his feet suddenly and<br />

stamped away to have another impetuous crack at persuading Doc Daneeka to ground<br />

him, knocking over Yossarian’s washstand with his hip when he lurched around and<br />

tripping over the fuel line of the stove Orr was still constructing. Doc Daneeka withstood<br />

Dobbs’s blustering and gesticulating attack with a series of impatient nods and sent him<br />

to the medical tent to describe his symptoms to Gus and Wes, who painted his gums<br />

purple with gentian-violet solution the moment he started to talk. They painted his toes<br />

purple, too, and forced a laxative down his throat when he opened his mouth again to<br />

complain, and then they sent him away.<br />

Dobbs was in even worse shape than Hungry Joe, who could at least fly missions<br />

when he was not having nightmares. Dobbs was almost as bad as Orr, who seemed<br />

happy as an undersized, grinning lark with his deranged and galvanic giggle and<br />

shivering warped buck teeth and who was sent along for a rest leave with Milo and<br />

Yossarian on the trip to Cairo for eggs when Milo bought cotton instead and took off at<br />

dawn for Istanbul with his plane packed to the gun turrets with exotic spiders and<br />

unripened red bananas. Orr was one of the homeliest freaks Yossarian had ever<br />

encountered, and one of the most attractive. He had a raw bulgy face, with hazel eyes<br />

squeezing from their sockets like matching brown halves of marbles and thick, wavy<br />

particolored hair sloping up to a peak on the top of his head like a pomaded pup tent.<br />

Orr was knocked down into the water or had an engine shot out almost every time he<br />

went up, and he began jerking on Yossarian’s arm like a wild man after they had taken<br />

off for Naples and come down in Sicily to find the scheming, cigar-smoking, ten-year-old<br />

pimp with the two twelve-year-old virgin sisters waiting for them in town in front of the<br />

hotel in which there was room for only Milo. Yossarian pulled back from Orr adamantly,<br />

gazing with some concern and bewilderment at Mt. Etna instead of Mt. Vesuvius and<br />

wondering what they were doing in Sicily instead of Naples as Orr kept entreating him in<br />

a tittering, stuttering, concupiscent turmoil to go along with him behind the scheming<br />

ten-year-old pimp to his two twelve-year-old virgin sisters who were not really virgins<br />

and not really sisters and who were really only twenty-eight.<br />

‘Go with him,’ Milo instructed Yossarian laconically. ‘Remember your mission.’<br />

‘All right,’ Yossarian yielded with a sigh, remembering his mission. ‘But at least let me<br />

try to find a hotel room first so I can get a good night’s sleep afterward.’<br />

‘You’ll get a good night’s sleep with the girls,’ Milo replied with the same air of intrigue.<br />

‘Remember your mission.’ But they got no sleep at all, for Yossarian and Orr found<br />

themselves jammed into the same double bed with the two twelve –year-old twentyeight-year-old<br />

prostitutes, who turned out to be oily and obese and who kept waking<br />

them up all night long to ask them to switch partners. Yossarian’s perceptions were<br />

soon so fuzzy that he paid no notice to the beige turban the fat one crowding into him<br />

kept wearing until late the next morning when the scheming ten-year-old pimp with the<br />

Cuban panatella snatched it off in public in a bestial caprice that exposed in the brilliant<br />

Sicilian daylight her shocking, misshapen and denudate skull. Vengeful neighbors had<br />

shaved her hair to the gleaming bone because she had slept with Germans. The girl<br />

screeched in feminine outrage and waddled comically after the scheming ten-year-old<br />

pimp, her grisly, bleak, violated scalp slithering up and down ludicrously around the

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