“Catch-22” By Joseph - Khamkoo

“Catch-22” By Joseph - Khamkoo

“Catch-22” By Joseph - Khamkoo


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“Catch-22” <strong>By</strong> <strong>Joseph</strong> Heller 74<br />

‘Where is the chicken?’ Major—de Coverley demanded.<br />

‘The chicken is in Malta,’ Milo answered.<br />

‘How many chickens are there in Malta?’<br />

‘Enough chickens to lay fresh eggs for every officer in the squadron at five cents<br />

apiece from the mess fund,’ Milo answered.<br />

‘I have a weakness for fresh eggs,’ Major—de Coverley confessed.<br />

‘If someone put a plane at my disposal, I could fly down there once a week in a<br />

squadron plane and bring back all the fresh eggs we need,’ Milo answered. ‘After all,<br />

Malta’s not so far away.’<br />

‘Malta’s not so far away,’ Major—de Coverley observed. ‘You could probably fly down<br />

there once a week in a squadron plane and bring back all the fresh eggs we need.’<br />

‘Yes,’ Milo agreed. ‘I suppose I could do that, if someone wanted me to and put a<br />

plane at my disposal.’<br />

‘I like my fresh eggs fried,’ Major—de Coverley remembered. ‘In fresh butter.’<br />

‘I can find all the fresh butter we need in Sicily for twenty-five cents a pound,’ Milo<br />

answered. ‘Twenty-five cents a pound for fresh butter is a good buy. There’s enough<br />

money in the mess fund for butter too, and we could probably sell some to the other<br />

squadrons at a profit and get back most of what we pay for our own.’<br />

‘What’s your name, son?’ asked Major—de Coverley.<br />

‘My name is Milo Minderbinder, sir. I am twenty-seven years old.’<br />

‘You’re a good mess officer, Milo.’<br />

‘I’m not the mess officer, sir.’<br />

‘You’re a good mess officer, Milo.’<br />

‘Thank you, sir. I’ll do everything in my power to be a good mess officer.’<br />

‘Bless you, my boy. Have a horseshoe.’<br />

‘Thank you, sir. What should I do with it?’<br />

‘Throw it.’<br />

‘Away?’<br />

‘At the peg there. Then pick it up and throw it at this peg. It’s a game, see? You get<br />

the horseshoe back.’<br />

‘Yes, sir. I see. How much are horseshoes selling for?’ The smell of a fresh egg<br />

snapping exotically in a pool of fresh butter carried a long way on the Mediterranean<br />

trade winds and brought General Dreedle racing back with a voracious appetite,<br />

accompanied by his nurse, who accompanied him everywhere, and his son-in-law,<br />

Colonel Moodus. In the beginning General Dreedle devoured all his meals in Milo’s<br />

mess hall. Then the other three squadrons in Colonel Cathcart’s group turned their<br />

mess halls over to Milo and gave him an airplane and a pilot each so that he could buy<br />

fresh eggs and fresh butter for them too. Milo’s planes shuttled back and forth seven<br />

days a week as every officer in the four squadrons began devouring fresh eggs in an<br />

insatiable orgy of fresh-egg eating. General Dreedle devoured fresh eggs for breakfast,<br />

lunch and dinner—between meals he devoured more fresh eggs—until Milo located<br />

abundant sources of fresh veal, beef, duck, baby lamb chops, mushroom caps, broccoli,<br />

South African rock lobster tails, shrimp, hams, puddings, grapes, ice cream,<br />

strawberries and artichokes. There were three other bomb groups in General Dreedle’s<br />

combat wing, and they each jealously dispatched their own planes to Malta for fresh<br />

eggs, but discovered that fresh eggs were selling there for seven cents apiece. Since<br />

they could buy them from Milo for five cents apiece, it made more sense to turn over<br />

their mess halls to his syndicate, too, and give him the planes and pilots needed to ferry<br />

in all the other good food he promised to supply as well.<br />

Everyone was elated with this turn of events, most of all Colonel Cathcart, who was<br />

convinced he had won a feather in his cap. He greeted Milo jovially each time they met<br />

and, in an excess of contrite generosity, impulsively recommended Major Major for<br />

promotion. The recommendation was rejected at once at Twenty-seventh Air Force<br />

Headquarters by ex-P.F.C. Wintergreen, who scribbled a brusque, unsigned reminder<br />

that the Army had only one Major Major Major Major and did not intend to lose him by

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