“Catch-22” By Joseph - Khamkoo

“Catch-22” By Joseph - Khamkoo

“Catch-22” By Joseph - Khamkoo


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“Catch-22” <strong>By</strong> <strong>Joseph</strong> Heller 33<br />

‘I give a great deal of it to Dunbar,’ Yossarian went on.<br />

‘ Dunbar?’ Milo echoed numbly.<br />

‘Yes. Dunbar can eat all the fruit he wants and it won’t do him a damned bit of good. I<br />

just leave the carton right out there in the open for anyone who wants any to come and<br />

help himself. Aarfy comes here to get prunes because he says he never gets enough<br />

prunes in the mess hall. You might look into that when you’ve got some time because<br />

it’s no fun having Aarfy hanging around here. Whenever the supply runs low I just have<br />

Corporal Snark fill me up again. Nately always takes a whole load of fruit along with him<br />

whenever he goes to Rome. He’s in love with a whore there who hates me and isn’t at<br />

all interested in him. She’s got a kid sister who never leaves them alone in bed together,<br />

and they live in an apartment with an old man and woman and a bunch of other girls<br />

with nice fat thighs who are always kidding around also. Nately brings them a whole<br />

cartonful every time he goes.’<br />

‘Does he sell it to them?’<br />

‘No, he gives it to them.’ Milo frowned. ‘Well, I suppose that’s very generous of him,’<br />

he remarked with no enthusiasm.<br />

‘Yes, very generous,’ Yossarian agreed.<br />

‘And I’m sure it’s perfectly legal,’ said Milo, ‘since the food is yours once you get it<br />

from me. I suppose that with conditions as hard as they are, these people are very glad<br />

to get it.’<br />

‘Yes, very glad,’ Yossarian assured him. ‘The two girls sell it all on the black market<br />

and use the money to buy flashy costume jewelry and cheap perfume.’ Milo perked up.<br />

‘Costume jewelry!’ he exclaimed. ‘I didn’t know that. How much are they paying for<br />

cheap perfume?’<br />

‘The old man uses his share to buy raw whiskey and dirty pictures. He’s a lecher.’<br />

‘A lecher?’<br />

‘You’d be surprised.’<br />

‘Is there much of a market in Rome for dirty pictures?’ Milo asked.<br />

‘You’d be surprised. Take Aarfy, for instance. Knowing him, you’d never suspect,<br />

would you?’<br />

‘That he’s a lecher?’<br />

‘No, that he’s a navigator. You know Captain Aardvaark, don’t you? He’s that nice guy<br />

who came up to you your first day in the squadron and said, "Aardvaark’s my name, and<br />

navigation is my game." He wore a pipe in his face and probably asked you what college<br />

you went to. Do you know him?’ Milo was paying no attention. ‘Let me be your partner,’<br />

he blurted out imploringly.<br />

Yossarian turned him down, even though he had no doubt that the truckloads of fruit<br />

would be theirs to dispose of any way they saw fit once Yossarian had requisitioned<br />

them from the mess hall with Doc Daneeka’s letter. Milo was crestfallen, but from that<br />

moment on he trusted Yossarian with every secret but one, reasoning shrewdly that<br />

anyone who would not steal from the country he loved would not steal from anybody.<br />

Milo trusted Yossarian with every secret but the location of the holes in the hills in which<br />

he began burying his money once he returned from Smyrna with his planeload of figs<br />

and learned from Yossarian that a C.I.D. man had come to the hospital. To Milo, who<br />

had been gullible enough to volunteer for it, the position of mess officer was a sacred<br />

trust.<br />

‘I didn’t even realize we weren’t serving enough prunes,’ he had admitted that first<br />

day. ‘I suppose it’s because I’m still so new. I’ll raise the question with my first chef.’<br />

Yossarian eyed him sharply. ‘What first chef?’ he demanded. ‘You don’t have a first<br />

chef.’<br />

‘Corporal Snark,’ Milo explained, looking away a little guiltily. ‘He’s the only chef I<br />

have, so he really is my first chef, although I hope to move him over to the<br />

administrative side. Corporal Snark tends to be a little too creative, I feel. He thinks<br />

being a mess sergeant is some sort of art form and is always complaining about having<br />

to prostitute his talents. Nobody is asking him to do any such thing! Incidentally, do you

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