“Catch-22” By Joseph - Khamkoo

“Catch-22” By Joseph - Khamkoo

“Catch-22” By Joseph - Khamkoo


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“Catch-22” <strong>By</strong> <strong>Joseph</strong> Heller 70<br />

You ought to be ashamed! Come on—help me get them out of here before they all die<br />

of pneumonia.’<br />

‘You know, that don’t sound like such a bad idea,’ Chief White Halfoat reflected. ‘I<br />

think I will die of pneumonia.’<br />

‘Why?’<br />

‘Why not?’ answered Chief White Halfoat, and lay back in the mud contentedly with<br />

the bottle of rye cuddled in his arms.<br />

‘Oh, now look what he’s doing!’ Clevinger exclaimed with irritation. ‘Will you get up and<br />

get into the car so we can all go back to the squadron?’<br />

‘We can’t all go back. Someone has to stay here to help the Chief with this car he<br />

signed out of the motor pool.’ Chief White Halfoat settled back in the staff car with an<br />

ebullient, prideful chuckle. ‘That’s Captain Black’s car,’ he informed them jubilantly. ‘I<br />

stole it from him at the officers’ club just now with an extra set of keys he thought he lost<br />

this morning.’<br />

‘Well, I’ll be damned! That calls for a drink.’<br />

‘Haven’t you had enough to drink?’ Clevinger began scolding as soon as McWatt<br />

started the car. ‘Look at you. You don’t care if you drink yourselves to death or drown<br />

yourselves to death, do you?’<br />

‘Just as long as we don’t fly ourselves to death.’<br />

‘Hey, open it up, open it up,’ Chief White Halfoat urged McWatt. ‘And turn off the<br />

headlights. That’s the only way to do it.’<br />

‘Doc Daneeka is right,’ Clevinger went on. ‘People don’t know enough to take care of<br />

themselves. I really am disgusted with all of you.’<br />

‘Okay, fatmouth, out of the car,’ Chief White Halfoat ordered. ‘Everybody get out of the<br />

car but Yossarian. Where’s Yossarian?’<br />

‘Get the hell off me.’ Yossarian laughed, pushing him away. ‘You’re all covered with<br />

mud.’ Clevinger focused on Nately. ‘You’re the one who really surprises me. Do you<br />

know what you smell like? Instead of trying to keep him out of trouble, you get just as<br />

drunk as he is. Suppose he got in another fight with Appleby?’ Clevinger’s eyes opened<br />

wide with alarm when he heard Yossarian chuckle. ‘He didn’t get in another fight with<br />

Appleby, did he?’<br />

‘Not this time,’ said Dunbar.<br />

‘No, not this time. This time I did even better.’<br />

‘This time he got in a fight with Colonel Korn.’<br />

‘He didn’t!’ gasped Clevinger.<br />

‘He did?’ exclaimed Chief White Halfoat with delight. ‘That calls for a drink.’<br />

‘But that’s terrible!’ Clevinger declared with deep apprehension. ‘Why in the world did<br />

you have to pick on Colonel Korn? Say, what happened to the lights? Why is everything<br />

so dark?’<br />

‘I turned them off,’ answered McWatt. ‘You know, Chief White Halfoat is right. It’s<br />

much better with the headlights off.’<br />

‘Are you crazy?’ Clevinger screamed, and lunged forward to snap the headlights on.<br />

He whirled around upon Yossarian in near hysteria. ‘You see what you’re doing? You’ve<br />

got them all acting like you! Suppose it stops raining and we have to fly to Bologna<br />

tomorrow. You’ll be in fine physical condition.’<br />

‘It won’t ever gonna stop raining. No, sir, a rain like this really might go on forever.’<br />

‘It has stopped raining!’ someone said, and the whole car fell silent.<br />

‘You poor bastards,’ Chief White Halfoat murmured compassionately after a few<br />

moments had passed.<br />

‘Did it really stop raining?’ Yossarian asked meekly.<br />

McWatt switched off the windshield wipers to make certain. The rain had stopped. The<br />

sky was starting to clear. The moon was sharp behind a gauzy brown mist.<br />

‘Oh, well,’ sang McWatt soberly. ‘What the hell.’<br />

‘Don’t worry, fellas,’ Chief White Halfoat said. ‘The landing strip is too soft to use<br />

tomorrow. Maybe it’ll start raining again before the field dries out.’

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