“Catch-22” By Joseph - Khamkoo

“Catch-22” By Joseph - Khamkoo

“Catch-22” By Joseph - Khamkoo


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“Catch-22” <strong>By</strong> <strong>Joseph</strong> Heller 184<br />

Yossarian never be assigned to his plane again, just as Yossarian had gone<br />

surreptitiously to speak to them about Dobbs and Huple and Orr and, unsuccessfully,<br />

about Aarfy. He had never seen McWatt look displeased before, had never seen him in<br />

any but the most lighthearted mood, and he wondered whether he had just lost another<br />

friend.<br />

But McWatt winked at him reassuringly as he climbed down from the plane and joshed<br />

hospitably with the credulous new pilot and bombardier during the jeep ride back to the<br />

squadron, although he did not address a word to Yossarian until all four had returned<br />

their parachutes and separated and the two of them were walking side by side toward<br />

their own row of tents. Then McWatt’s sparsely freckled tan Scotch-Irish face broke<br />

suddenly into a smile and he dug his knuckles playfully into Yossarian’s ribs, as though<br />

throwing a punch.<br />

‘You louse,’ he laughed. ‘Were you really going to kill me up there?’ Yossarian grinned<br />

penitently and shook his head. ‘No. I don’t think so.’<br />

‘I didn’t realize you got it so bad. Boy! Why don’t you talk to somebody about it?’<br />

‘I talk to everybody about it. What the hell’s the matter with you? Don’t you ever hear<br />

me?’<br />

‘I guess I never really believed you.’<br />

‘Aren’t you ever afraid?’<br />

‘Maybe I ought to be.’<br />

‘Not even on the missions?’<br />

‘I guess I just don’t have brains enough.’ McWatt laughed sheepishly.<br />

‘There are so many ways for me to get killed,’ Yossarian commented, ‘and you had to<br />

find one more.’ McWatt smiled again. ‘Say, I bet it must really scare you when I buzz<br />

your tent, huh?’<br />

‘It scares me to death. I’ve told you that.’<br />

‘I thought it was just the noise you were complaining about.’ McWatt made a resigned<br />

shrug. ‘Oh, well, what the hell,’ he sang. ‘I guess I’ll just have to give it up.’ But McWatt<br />

was incorrigible, and, while he never buzzed Yossarian’s tent again, he never missed an<br />

opportunity to buzz the beach and roar like a fierce and low-flying thunderbolt over the<br />

raft in the water and the secluded hollow in the sand where Yossarian lay feeling up<br />

Nurse Duckett or playing hearts, poker or pinochle with Nately, Dunbar and Hungry Joe.<br />

Yossarian met Nurse Duckett almost every afternoon that both were free and came with<br />

her to the beach on the other side of the narrow swell of shoulder-high dunes separating<br />

them from the area in which the other officers and enlisted men went swimming nude.<br />

Nately, Dunbar and Hungry Joe would come there, too. McWatt would occasionally join<br />

them, and often Aarfy, who always arrived pudgily in full uniform and never removed any<br />

of his clothing but his shoes and his hat; Aarfy never went swimming. The other men<br />

wore swimming trunks in deference to Nurse Duckett, and in deference also to Nurse<br />

Cramer, who accompanied Nurse Duckett and Yossarian to the beach every time and<br />

sat haughtily by herself ten yards away. No one but Aarfy ever made reference to the<br />

naked men sun-bathing in full view farther down the beach or jumping and diving from<br />

the enormous white-washed raft that bobbed on empty oil drums out beyond the silt<br />

sand. Nurse Cramer sat by herself because she was angry with Yossarian and<br />

disappointed in Nurse Duckett.<br />

Nurse Sue Ann Duckett despised Aarfy, and that was another one of the numerous<br />

fetching traits about Nurse Duckett that Yossarian enjoyed. He enjoyed Nurse Sue Ann<br />

Duckett’s long white legs and supple, callipygous ass; he often neglected to remember<br />

that she was quite slim and fragile from the waist up and hurt her unintentionally in<br />

moments of passion when he hugged her too roughly. He loved her manner of sleepy<br />

acquiescence when they lay on the beach at dusk. He drew solace and sedation from<br />

her nearness. He had a craving to touch her always, to remain always in physical<br />

communication. He liked to encircle her ankle loosely with his fingers as he played cards<br />

with Nately, Dunbar and Hungry Joe, to lightly and lovingly caress the downy skin of her<br />

fair, smooth thigh with the backs of his nails or, dreamily, sensuously, almost

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