Xenophon Paper 2 pdf - ICBSS

Xenophon Paper 2 pdf - ICBSS

Xenophon Paper 2 pdf - ICBSS


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Panagiota Manoli<br />

Traditionally, Greece has been a persistent advocate of multilateralism in its immediate<br />

neighbourhood, seeing it as a means of maintaining political dialogue among countries<br />

with - frequently - bilateral disputes as well as a means of supporting regional economic<br />

development. It thus supported regional dialogue even during the Cold War period 1<br />

while today it participates in all regional fora and initiatives in its neighbourhood (BSEC,<br />

SECI, Adriatic Initiative, etc.).<br />

Given the instability that surfaced in its northern borders in the early 1990s and following<br />

the end of the Cold War, the Balkans was placed as the first priority in Greek foreign<br />

policy. It was only after 1995 that the country became more active in its broader<br />

neighbourhood particularly in the Black Sea area. Another turning point in the Greek<br />

foreign policy towards the Black Sea region has been the year 2004 when Greece<br />

undertook the periodic Chairmanship of the Organisation of the Black Sea Economic<br />

Cooperation (BSEC) and embarked upon a process of bringing the BSEC and the<br />

European Union (EU) closer. The enlargement of the EU eastwards with Bulgaria and<br />

Romania motivated Greece as an EU member state to develop a more comprehensive<br />

Black Sea policy and to upgrade its engagement with the region.<br />

From reluctance to active engagement<br />

Though Greece was one of the founding fathers of the BSEC in 1992 it did not show<br />

great enthusiasm at the early stages of the initiative. Its position vis-à-vis the BSEC<br />

changed from ‘reluctance’ to that of ‘active engagement’.<br />

Greece viewed the initial efforts to establish the BSEC with suspicion. 2 Turkey’s active<br />

interest in promoting the idea in 1990-91 was seen as a diversion from a more Europeoriented<br />

Balkan cooperation scheme. Indeed, Meetings of Ministers of Foreign Affairs<br />

of the Balkan countries regularly took place during these same years, Albania joined<br />

1 For Regional Cooperation in the Balkans during the Cold War period see Walden, Sotiris (1994), Balkan<br />

Cooperation and European Integration [μ·ÏηÓÈ΋ ˘ÓÂÚÁ·Û›· Î·È ∂˘Úˆapple·˚΋ OÏÔÎÏ‹ÚˆÛË], Papazisis, Athens.<br />

2 Kazakos, Panos (1994), OÈÎÔÓÔÌÈ΋ ˘ÓÂÚÁ·Û›· ª·‡Ú˘ £¿Ï·ÛÛ·˜’, ∞Ó·appleÙ˘ÍȷΤ˜ ¢˘Ó·ÙfiÙËÙ˜ Î·È OÈÎÔ-<br />

ÓÔÌÈ΋ ˘ÓÂÚÁ·Û›· ÛÙË ¡ÔÙÈÔ·Ó·ÙÔÏÈ΋ ∂˘ÚÒappleË (μ·ÏηÓÈ΋), [‘Black Sea Economic Cooperation’, Development<br />

Potential and Economic Cooperation in Southeast Europe (Balkans)], vol. A, University of Athens, Athens,<br />

December, pp. 168-202.<br />

X E N O P H O N P A P E R no 2 67

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