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actions for which we have received a general amnesty as a favour from the victor’, the volume contains some<br />

contentious material, notably the series of intellectually and lexically clumsy ‘Pindaric Odes’ (amongst which the<br />

address to ‘Brutus’ manages to fudge the issue of both Roman politics and Cromwellian parallels). The 1656 volume<br />

also contains Cowley’s contrasting tributes to dead friends: the diffuse and rambling ‘On the Death of Mr William<br />

Hervey’ and the tenser, lusher, and more expressive appreciation of Crashaw (‘Poet and Saint! To thee alone are<br />

given | The two most sacred Names of Earth and Heaven’). To a distinctly non-ecumenical age this latter poem<br />

proclaims both a need for a continuing reformation of English poetry by purging its pagan elements according to<br />

Christian principles and a tolerant admiration for Crashaw’s example (‘For even in Error sure no Danger is | When<br />

joyn’d with so much Piety as His’).<br />

Hesperides: or the Works both Humane & Divine of Robert Herrick Esq. of 1648 is divided into two: the first part,<br />

Hesperides proper, contains some of the most titillatingly erotic and overtly pagan verse in English; its second part,<br />

His Noble Numbers, has its own title-page and is separately paginated in order to mark off a series of religious poems<br />

from the ‘unbaptized Rhimes’ of the secular body of the volume. Despite their baptism, the poems in His Noble<br />

Numbers suggest that their author’s imaginative engagement in expressions of literary piety was occasional rather<br />

than consistent. Herrick (1591-1674) was a well-educated parish priest from rural Devonshire who was ejected from<br />

his living in 1647 as a man assertively loyal to the old order in Church and State. Although, as far as we know, he<br />

had neither sought nor been offered the opportunity of serving his King as either a courtier or a soldier, his verse<br />

proves him to be the most expressively ‘cavalier’ of the seventeenth-century love-poets. He woos and flatters,<br />

philanders and warns, observes and compares, with little cerebration and even rarer earnestness. As a whole,<br />

Hesperides side-steps the confessional and political divisions of contemporary England. Its opening ‘Argument’<br />

proclaims that its poet will ‘sing’ of brooks and blossoms, of spring and summer, of wooing and wedding; his court<br />

will be that of the Fairy King and Queen and his creed will be based on a somewhat indistinct hope of heaven. Its<br />

most weighty ‘political’ statement lies in its generous, tolerant, and profoundly anti-Puritan, treatment of sexuality.<br />

Herrick’s most effective religious verse expresses a childlike acceptance of faith and divine providence, though its<br />

innocence is quite distinct from the wondering mysticism of Vaughan. His ‘A Thanksgiving to God, for his House’<br />

gratefully lists the simple comforts and rural blessings of a retired life, but it never attempts, as Herbert might have<br />

done, to move from the everyday to the theological. When Herrick speaks of heaven in ‘The White Island: or place of<br />

[p. 215]<br />

the Bles’, he imagines it as a floating island of happy blankness free of the ‘teares and terrors’ of this life, but neither<br />

here nor in his prayers for comfort in the ‘Letanie, to the Holy Spirit’ is there any suggestion of a quivering fear of<br />

judgement akin to Donne’s. His evident delight in a white vision of a heaven characterized by candour and sincerity<br />

is, however, reflected in the air of innocent celebration that haunts much of his secular verse. The pleasures of the<br />

flesh as they are both spelled out and lovingly alluded to in Hesperides are threatened not by prurience or moral<br />

disapproval but by the cold winds of time and death. Young lovers, like the transient blossoms, the rosebuds, the<br />

tulips, or the daffodils of his best-known lyrics, need to ‘make much of Time’ in order to seize the brief moment of<br />

pleasure. The only immortality available on this side of heaven lies in the survival of poetry, as Herrick persistently<br />

reminds the Antheas and Julias to whom individual poems are addressed. Despite his resentment of a ‘long and<br />

irksome banishment’ in the ‘dull confines of the drooping West’, Herrick particularly relishes describing those rural<br />

ceremonies, such as May Day and Harvest Home, that uncomplicatedly link human and natural fertility, procreation,<br />

and fulfilment. This is not simply because he recognizes their pagan roots, or because he sees them as reflections of<br />

Greek and Roman pastorals, but because he allows them to be ‘country matters’ in the truest sense of the term. When<br />

Corinna goes a-Maying in the poem of that name, when the village girls dance ‘like a Spring, | with Honysuckles<br />

crown’d’ in ‘To Meddows’, or when the Earl of Westmorland is reminded of his obligation to extend hospitality to his<br />

harvesters in ‘The Hock-Cart’, Herrick celebrates expressions of unity which are part innocent ceremony, part<br />

knowing physical enactment. In his richly allusive marriage poem, ‘A Nuptiall Song, or Epithalamie, on Sir Clipseby<br />

Crew and his Lady’, he brings ‘the youthfull Bridegroom, and the fragrant Bride’ together at their ‘proud | Plumpe<br />

Bed’<br />

... swelling like a cloud<br />

Tempting the too too modest; can<br />

You see it brusle like a Swan,<br />

And you be cold<br />

To meet it, when it woo’s and seemes to fold<br />

The Armes to hugge you? throw, throw<br />

Your selves into the mighty over-flow<br />

Of that white Pride, and Drowne

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