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against the abomination of desolation.<br />

[end of Chapter 9]<br />

[Andrew SANDERS: The Short Oxford History of English Literature, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1994]<br />

[p. 577]<br />

10<br />

Post- War and Post-Modern Literature<br />

WHEN the Second World War ended in Europe in the summer of 1945, much of Britain was in ruins. Quite literally in<br />

ruins. Its devastated industrial cities were not exactly the heaps of rubble that appalled post-war visitors to Germany<br />

(Stephen Spender, for one, spoke of the ‘astonishing and total change, that incalculable shift from a soaring to a<br />

sinking motion which distinguishes a dead body’ that disturbed him when revisiting Hamburg), but British cities as<br />

diverse in character as Glasgow, Coventry, Canterbury, Bristol, Exeter, and Portsmouth had been torn apart by bombs.<br />

London, in particular, had been universally pitted and scarred and was now marked by absences where familiar<br />

landmarks had once stood. Whole districts were in ruins and most streets somehow bore the signs of blast, shrapnel,<br />

fire-bombs, or high explosives. Although its greater monuments, such as St Paul’s, had survived largely intact, the<br />

cathedral itself now rose hauntingly and, to some imaginative observers, resolutely above the shells of churches and<br />

blasted office buildings. This broken London of bricks, façades, and dangerously exposed basements can now be only<br />

recognized from paintings and photographs and from the cinematic exploitation of bomb-sites in films such as the two<br />

early comedies made at the famous Ealing Studios, Charles Crichton’s rowdy Hue and Cry (1947) and Harry<br />

Cornelius’s farce Passport to Pimlico (1949).<br />

This landscape of ruins must also be recognized as forming an integral part of much of the literature of the late<br />

1940s and the early 1950s. It was a landscape which provided a metaphor for broken lives and spirits, and, in some<br />

remoter and less-defined sense, for the ruin of Great Britain itself. It was also a ruin-scape that could sometimes<br />

surprise its observers with joy. In 1953 Rose Macaulay (1881-1958) ended her highly romantic and impressively<br />

wide-ranging survey, Pleasure of Ruins with ‘A Note on New Ruins’, a note which briefly balanced a fascination with<br />

the ‘catastrophic tipsy chaos’ of a British bomb-site against her earlier explorations of the historic wrecks of Greek<br />

and Roman cities, of jungle-swamped Inca and Buddhist temples, and of ivy-mantled Gothic abbeys. Three years<br />

before the appearance of Pleasure of Ruins,<br />

[p. 578]<br />

Macaulay’s novel The World my Wilderness had focused on outsiders and exiles, all of them ‘displaced’ persons,<br />

finding the ruins of London a solace and a refuge. Her London, as her choice of words indicates, is both distinctly<br />

post-War and post-Eliotic: ‘Here you belong; you cannot get away, you do not wish to get away, for this is the maquis<br />

that lies about the margins of the wrecked world, and here your feet are set . . . „Where are the roots that clutch, what<br />

branches grow out of this stony rubbish? Son of man, you cannot say, or guess ...” But you can say, you can guess, that<br />

it is you yourself, your own roots, that clutch the stony rubbish, the branches of your own being that grow from it and<br />

nowhere else.’ Macaulay’s quotation from The Waste Land serves to reinforce the view commonly held by artists and<br />

writers of the period that the strange juxtapositions of flowers and dust, of unexpected, wild gardens and shattered,<br />

empty houses, and of the familiar seen in an unfamiliarly surreal way through a broken wall had somehow been<br />

prepared for by Modernist experiments with fragmentation.<br />

Amongst writers whose reputation had been established well before 1945, Macaulay was far from alone in<br />

seeing the immediately post-war period as one which required the reassembling of fragments of meaning (she was<br />

herself to return to a landscape of classical ruins and to jarring private experience in her novel The Towers of<br />

Trebizond in 1956). The Second World War had provided an additional means of focus for the fiction of Anglo-Irish<br />

novelist, Elizabeth Bowen (1899-1973). Throughout her earlier work, most notably in her novel The Last September<br />

(1929) and her memoir Bowen’s Court (1942), she had explored the tensions implicit in the history of her landed<br />

family and the divided loyalties of the increasingly dispossessed Protestant Ascendancy in Ireland. When she wrote of<br />

England in the 1930s, as she did with supreme assurance in her most Jamesian novel, The Death of the Heart (1938),<br />

she took as her theme the loss of innocence in the face of shallow sophistication and the flashy glamour of<br />

metropolitan values. The sometimes painful rift between the perceptions of children and those of adults was reexamined<br />

very differently in her penultimate novel, The Little Girls (1964). It was, however, in the wartime<br />

collections of short stories, Look at all those Roses (1941) and The Demon Lover (1945), and, above all, in her novel<br />

The Heat of the Day (1949) that Bowen exploited the fictional potential of an upper-class Irish woman’s perception of

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