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destitute and the widespread evidence of rural pauperism is glanced at only as the occasion of genteel charity or, as in<br />

the case of Lady Catherine de Bourgh in Pride and Prejudice, as an occasion for scolding the poor ‘into harmony and<br />

plenty’. The vast advances in industrialization and imperial expansion, and the social earthquake consequent upon<br />

both, elicit mere allusions. The upper-middle-class world of Austen’s fiction is seen as secure in its values, its<br />

privileges, and its snobberies. It is a society which defines itself very precisely in terms of land, money, and class and<br />

it accepts that rank is an essential guinea-stamp. Its awareness of geographical space is generally revealed only with<br />

reference to far-flung estates and to the incomes derived from them, and to forays into the fashionable society of<br />

London or Bath. Its attachment to nature and to natural scenery is expressed in transitory enthusiasms for picnics at<br />

Box Hill and trips to the seaside or for parkland disciplined and tidied up by landscape gardeners.<br />

Jane Austen is far too subtle, challenging, and inventive a novelist to be usefully defined by negatives. Her work<br />

may seem to stand apart from the preoccupations of many of her literary contemporaries, but it remains very much of<br />

its time. It is, in many significant ways, defined in Christianly conservative, but not necessarily reactionary, terms<br />

against current radical enthusiasms. It should also be seen as standing in, and presenting variations on, an established<br />

fictional tradition. Where new writers who had espoused Jacobin libertarianism spoke of rights, Austen refers to<br />

duties; where they look for steady human improvement, she remains sceptical about the nature of the fallen human<br />

condition. The late eighteenth-century cultivation of sensibility and sentiment, and the new ‘Romantic’ insistence on<br />

the propriety of passion, are consistently countered in her novels by an ironic exposure of affectation and by a steady<br />

affirmation of the virtues of restraint. Austen chose her own literary limitations, not simply because she held that<br />

‘three or four families in a country village’ were an ideal subject for the novel, but because her omissions were<br />

considered and deliberate. Her moral message is infused with an ideological insistence on the merits of good conduct,<br />

good manners, sound reason, and marriage as an admirable social institution. She never scorns love, but she balances<br />

its often<br />

[p. 370]<br />

disconcerting and disruptive nature with a firm advocacy of the complementary qualities of self knowledge, self<br />

discipline, and practicality. Her heroines can be as vivaciously intelligent as Elizabeth Bennet and as witty, egotistic,<br />

and independent as Emma Woodhouse, but both, like the essentially introspective Elinor Dashwood or the passive and<br />

self effacing Fanny Price, are finally brought to mature judgement and, by proper extension, emotional fulfilment. The<br />

narrative line of Sense and Sensibility (1811), which balances maturity against impulsiveness, also systematically<br />

undermines the attractions of superficial glamour and contrasts conflicting value systems and ways of seeing. In the<br />

two other novels which were probably begun in the 1790s and later revised, Northanger Abbey (1818) and Pride and<br />

Prejudice (1813), first impressions, illusions, and subjective opinions or prejudices give way to detachment, balance,<br />

reasonableness and, more painfully, to humiliating reassessment. Mere cleverness, wit, or spontaneity, though<br />

admirable in themselves, are never allowed to triumph without being linked to some steadier moral assurance.<br />

The scrupulous pattern of education that Austen requires of her major characters (both male and female) is also<br />

required of her readers. Those who merely seek to escape into a delicately placid and undemanding fictional world<br />

wilfully misread her novels. Throughout her work, but especially in her three later novels, Mansfield Park (1814),<br />

Emma (1816), and Persuasion (1818), she obliges readers to participate in the moral processes of disciplined learning,<br />

weighing, and judging, and in the gradual establishment of the principle that judgement is contingent upon<br />

understanding. This is not to imply that Austen is either priggish or stridently polemic (she is, it should go without<br />

saying, one of the most calculatingly amusing of all English novelists), but to suggest that her readers have to be<br />

constantly alert to her tone and to her supple narrative method. The relatively restricted world of her novels, and the<br />

social and physical confines of her settings, define the limits in which opinions are formed and within which her fools<br />

and snobs, her bores and gossips, her prudes and poseurs, must be both endured and accepted. The illusion of actuality<br />

which she so succinctly suggests also enforces a response to a society confident of its own codes and values. In Emma,<br />

for example, we follow the heroine in her often wayward exploration of manipulations, misapprehensions, niceties,<br />

complacencies, and lapses in judgement, but we also see her finding a personal liberation within the enclosure of the<br />

society whose rules she learns to respect and use. Austen’s often astringent anti-romanticism is nowhere more evident<br />

than in Mansfield Park, a novel centred on a heroine suffering from what she admits are ‘faults of ignorance and<br />

timidity’, but also one who embodies, like the man she finally marries, a Christian forbearance which can be seen as<br />

informing her grasp of tact and decorum. If the values of the novel, most clearly expressed in the embarrassments<br />

surrounding the play-acting which so offend Sir Thomas Bertram, often seem to be at odds with twentieth-century<br />

preconceptions of character and social action, for Austen such values are projected as<br />

[p. 371]<br />

essential to the happy development of human affairs. The relatively sombre tone of Persuasion also emphasizes the

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