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‘Success’, he added with a characteristic note of pessimism, ‘is only a delayed failure’. By the mid-1960s, when his<br />

novel The Comedians was published, he was able to command sales of some 60,000 copies in hardback alone (this<br />

was at a time when more ‘experimental’ work by less established contemporaries would probably have had a print-run<br />

of only 1,600 copies). Even though something of the commercial success of The Comedians can be put down to the<br />

international scandal it provoked (the Haitian Government brought a case against it in France, claiming that it had<br />

damaged the Republic’s tourist trade), Greene was already by far the best known and most respected British novelist<br />

of his generation. Something of his international esteem can be put down to what at the time might have seemed the<br />

‘un-English’ prejudices which were patently evident in his work. He was a devout anti-imperialist (resenting the new<br />

American imperialism as much as he despised the crumbling edifice of the British Empire). He was also a semidevout,<br />

but believing, Roman Catholic. Greene, who later claimed to have been powerfully drawn to Africa by reading<br />

Rider Haggard’s King Solomon’s Mines as a boy, had, after a singularly unhappy and suicidal adolescence, been<br />

received into the Roman Church in 1926. The themes of a colonially wounded world beyond Europe, a gloomy sense<br />

of sin<br />

[p. 581]<br />

and moral unworthiness, and a commitment to outsiders and rebels, haunt his subsequent work.<br />

Greene had published his first work of fiction, a short story, at the age of 16. In all, he wrote twenty-six novels and<br />

nine volumes of short stories. His first novel, The Man Within (1929), bore as its epigraph a quotation from Sir<br />

Thomas Browne: ‘There is another man within me that is angry with me.’ Many of his later protagonists reflected this<br />

two-sidedness, complicated by a seedy and dangerous self destructiveness. The Catholic boy-gangster, Pinkie, in<br />

Greene’s eighth novel Brighton Rock (1938) is not only fascinated by the concept of ‘Hell, Flames and damnation’ but<br />

seemingly intent on courting his own eternal destruction in the face of ‘the appalling strangeness of the mercy of<br />

God’. Taken with his painful account of the career of a whisky-priest in anti-clerical Mexico in The Power and the<br />

Glory (1940), Greene seemed to many observers to have emerged as Britain’s answer to the ambiguous, knotted, but<br />

affirmatively Catholic fiction of his French contemporaries, Mauriac and Bernanos. The angry, self destructive, ‘other<br />

man’ was, however, to oblige Greene’s fiction to move in a more distinctively agnostic direction. It may be significant<br />

that the phrase ‘whisky-priest’ is Greene’s most obvious gift to the English language. The Power and the Glory was as<br />

much about doubt and failure as it was about faith (the novel was condemned as ‘paradoxical’ by the Holy Office<br />

which ought, given the nature of Christian doctrine, to have known better). The Catholic Christianity of Greene’s<br />

novels, if that is what it can properly be called, seems most often to resemble a single ray of heavenly hope which<br />

glances over dark abysses of human depravity, despair, decay, and pain. To Greene’s characters, God and his Church<br />

seem to be as distant as they are evidently ‘appallingly strange’.<br />

As with Bowen’s novels, the Second World War sharpened certain of Greene’s fictional perspectives and<br />

preoccupations. Certainly, what is generally agreed to be his finest work appeared between 1940 and 1951. The novels<br />

of this period modulate between troubled and disorienting topographies, each one of which seems to reflect the untidy<br />

frustration of another. The twilit, blitzed London of The Ministry of Fear (1943) and The End of the Affair (1951)<br />

opens up into the violently restless Mexico of The Power and the Glory; the precarious, ‘smashed, dreary’ and partly<br />

subterranean Vienna of The Third Man (1950) parallels the flyblown, rat-infested, war-blighted West African colony<br />

of The Heart of the Matter (1948). Most of the key characters in these stories are Catholics; all of them are ruins, or at<br />

best ruinous. Scobie, the suicidal protagonist of The Heart of the Matter, accuses God of ‘forcing decisions on people’<br />

and blames the Church for having all the answers (‘we Catholics are damned by our knowledge’). In The Third Man,<br />

a short novel which coexists with its more brilliant variant, the film-script that Greene wrote for the director Carol<br />

Reed in 1949, Catholic Vienna is wrecked, divided, and guilt-ridden, but then so are its citizens, its displaced<br />

refugees, and its military occupiers. It is scarcely surprising that its sewers, rather than its palaces, figure so<br />

prominently<br />

[p. 582]<br />

in the story. None of Greene’s sleazier and more ostensibly political later novels (The Quiet American of 1955 is set in<br />

Vietnam, its successor, Our Man in Havana, in Cuba) has quite the same edgy power or quite the same success in<br />

matching compromised and seedy people to compromising and mouldy places.<br />

In the phantasmagoric world of The Ministry of Fear, the tormented Arthur Rowe recognizes the extent to which<br />

the man and the hour have coincided (‘I’m hiding underground, and up above the Germans are methodically<br />

smashing London to bits all around me ... It sounds like a thriller’). Rowe’s frenetic hallucination contrasts markedly<br />

with the far more subdued and matter-of fact references to wartime Britain in Anthony Powell’s sequence of twelve<br />

novels known collectively as A Dance to the Music of Time. At the opening of the eighth volume, The Soldier’s Art<br />

(1966), Powell’s wryly observant but adaptable narrator, Nicholas Jenkins, buys an army officer’s greatcoat in a<br />

London outfitters. It is a shop which also supplies theatrical costumes and there are two headless tailor’s dummies in<br />

the fitting-room, one costumed as Harlequin, the other dressed in the scarlet uniform of an infantry regiment:

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