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good manners of a polite and often repressed society. It is, however, through these flat, claustrophobic dialogues that<br />

there emerge the deceptions, frauds, and the often melodramatic surprises on which the novels turn. Crimes, imagined<br />

and realized,<br />

[p. 552]<br />

await exposure, and murders, committed or contrived, serve to satisfy the demands either of vengeance or of<br />

selfishness. Compton-Burnett’s fictional style can be an acquired taste, requiring as it does a susceptibility educated to<br />

respond to her distinctive but subdued acidity.<br />

Bright Young Things and Brave New Worlds: Wodehouse, Waugh, and Huxley<br />

The eccentricities, oddities, fogyisms, fads, and fashions of inter-war upper-class England are nowhere better charted<br />

than in P. G. Wodehouse’s mockery of them. Between 1902 and the end of his life P(elham) G(renville) Wodehouse<br />

(1881-1975) published over 120 volumes of novels and short stories. He first introduced his most famous characters,<br />

Bertie Wooster and his man Jeeves, in an unremarkable story in the collection The Man with Two Left Feet and Other<br />

Stories in 1917. The modest collection itself is notable for its variety of narrators, which range from a dog to a<br />

London waiter, and amongst them the Wooster narrative sits snugly and companionably. When, however, in 1919<br />

Wodehouse began to explore further the potential of the disarmingly dim Bertie as a narrator and his relationship to<br />

the resourceful Jeeves in My Man Jeeves, he took the classic master-servant partnerships of literature into a new era.<br />

Here was a Samuel Pickwick and a Sam Weller advanced both in fortune and in class into the Jazz Age. Wodehouse’s<br />

art lay in telling a simple and amusing story simply and amusingly. He once described his method of writing as<br />

‘making a sort of musical comedy without music and ignoring real life altogether’. Although Wodehouse’s is a<br />

genuinely escapist fiction, it neither truly ignores ‘real’ life nor suggests an ignorance of the political and social<br />

currents of its time. It identifies likely disturbers of the public peace in the guise of aunts and flapper feminists,<br />

gangsters and arrivistes, cranks and enthusiasts, mindless bachelor members of the Drones Club and thuggish<br />

followers of the Fascist Black Shorts movement, and it systematically deflates them all.<br />

Despite the fun, there is far less geniality in the early fiction of Evelyn Waugh (1903-66). There is a menace even<br />

in the titles of his first four novels, Decline and Fall (1928), Vile Bodies (1930), Black Mischief (1932), and A<br />

Handful of Dust (1934). Decline and Fall, with its Gibbonian suggestions of a society in decay, traces the disastrous<br />

career of the innocent Paul Pennyfeather, a failed undergraduate, a failing schoolmaster, and the exploited lover of the<br />

highly corrupt Margot Beste-Chetwynde (the future Margot Metroland). Sentenced to a term at the Egdon Heath<br />

Penal Settlement (a Dartmoor in the midst of Hardy country) thanks to Margot’s white-slaving activities, Paul endures<br />

his fate patiently. ‘Anyone who has been to an English public school’, the narrator wryly remarks, ‘will always feel<br />

comparatively at home in prison.’ Throughout both Decline and Fall and Vile Bodies, the accumulated evidence of<br />

depravity is<br />

[p. 553]<br />

balanced by a comedy that sports not simply with human folly but with crime, injustice, and even potential horror. As<br />

with Ben Jonson’s equally savage comedies or with Dickens’s comic inflations, venality embraces vulgarity and the<br />

ridiculous frolics with the rapacious. In Vile Bodies the devaluation of received standards is typified by the filming of<br />

a preposterous life of John Wesley in which Wesley and Whitefield fight a duel for the love of Selina, Countess of<br />

Huntingdon. ‘This is going to make film history’, the director announces, ‘We’re recording extracts from Wesley’s<br />

sermons and we’re singing all his own hymns.’ Black Mischief, set in the tottering African kingdom of Azania,<br />

intermixes farcical representations of the Emperor’s birth-control campaign (‘Through Sterility to Culture’) with rum<br />

accounts of civil war corruption, and mayhem which were imaginative expansions on the circumstances Waugh<br />

himself had witnessed in Ethiopia. He had initially described his African journey in the travel-book Remote People in<br />

1931; he returned to Ethiopia during the Italian invasion, publishing an account of his experiences as a journalist in<br />

Waugh in Abyssinia in 1936 and a fictional enlargement on them in Scoop in 1938 (the novel is also a pointed satire<br />

on a popular newspaper industry dominated by the opinionated Lord Copper). By far the finest, and the most refinedly<br />

cruel, of the early novels is A Handful of Dust. The novel’s title amplified in its epigraph, reveals Waugh’s debt to the<br />

bleakness of The Waste Land. Although it is quintessentially a commentary on ‘the way we live now’, it also glances<br />

back, both in terms of form and in reference, to the moral strictures on the decay of social responsibility in the works<br />

of Dickens and Trollope. A Handful of Dust explores the painful collapse of the illusions and complacencies of a rural<br />

feudalism, represented by Tony Last (whose name may reflect the passing orders of Bulwer-Lytton’s titles), and it

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