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or at worst suppressed. The international General Strike, once seen as socialism’s trump card to be played against a<br />

warmongering ruling class, failed to materialize in 1914 and Labour MPs were chosen to serve both in Lloyd<br />

George’s War Cabinet and in minor governmental posts. The cause of women’s suffrage, so actively pursued in the<br />

years up to 1914, was effectively silenced by the promise of future electoral reform (a promise partly redeemed in<br />

1919). Even the subject of Irish Home Rule, the chief entanglement of domestic policy since the 1880s, was put on ice<br />

after the third reading of the Home Rule Bill in May 1914. It was violently kicked into life again by the six-day Easter<br />

Rising in Dublin in 1916. The ‘Irish question’, as with so many other suspended questions, was finally attended to in<br />

the context of a Europe which like Ireland had ‘changed utterly’ by the early 1920s. An Irish Free State, bereft of the<br />

six predominantly Protestant counties of Ulster, came into fudged being in 1921 and found itself immediately plunged<br />

into a brief but painful civil war.<br />

By merit of its being deemed a ‘domestic’ concern of the victorious UnitedKingdom the problem of Ireland<br />

scarcely vexed the concentrated minds of the rulers of post-war Europe and America who met at Versailles in order to<br />

unravel the outstanding historical, geographical, religious, and racial knots in Central and Eastern Europe. In most<br />

cases severance proved quicker and more efficient than unravelling. Although there was no real hope of a return to<br />

the status quo ante, the treaties of Versailles and the Trianon proved only temporary compromises in the face of<br />

political circumstances moulded not simply by the disasters of war but also by the presumptions of the social and<br />

national revolutions the war had provoked. These new circumstances rarely left the politics, and by extension the<br />

literature, of the United Kingdom untouched. A sense of fragmentation, which was as much geographical and<br />

historical as it was cultural and psychological, haunted the experimental texts of the 1920s. The old continental<br />

empires had been convulsed and, in the case of Austria-Hungary and Turkey, posthumously dismembered. Humiliated<br />

Germany staggered from its attempts to establish a Marxist republic, to an unstable and impoverished ‘bourgeois’<br />

democracy, and finally to a National Socialism intent<br />

[p. 508]<br />

on fulfilling what it claimed was the nation’s unrealized European destiny. Above all, the October Revolution of 1917<br />

had changed once arch-conservative Russia to a bright shade of red. It had also shifted the ground and the rules of all<br />

post-war political discussion.<br />

The beleaguered Bolshevik state, first assaulted by armed Western intervention, then wracked by civil war and the<br />

destructive manoeuvres of international capital, emerged for many post-war intellectuals as the model progressive<br />

society. In 1935 the veteran English collectivists and socialists, Sidney (1859-1947) and Beatrice Webb (1858-1943),<br />

subtitled their flattering study of Soviet Communism with the question ‘A New Civilisation?’. In later editions the<br />

question mark was dropped. Respected British socialists such as H. G. Wells and Bernard Shaw returned from factfinding<br />

missions to Soviet Russia in the 1930s and airily assented to the idea that they had seen the working future of<br />

humankind. Most conveniently avoided contemplating the fate of the Russian intelligentsia and the manifest suffering<br />

of uprooted, regimented, and forcibly collectivized peasants. To many British writers of the younger generation, the<br />

failure of the Western ‘bourgeois democracies’ to address the problems of poverty at home, and the problems of the<br />

explosive antidemocratic energies of Italian, German, and Spanish Fascism abroad, seemed further to expose<br />

Communist Russia as the only antidote to political despair. Fellow-travelling became the order of the day. It generally<br />

entailed keeping one bright eye on the goals at the end of the broad highway and a blind one on the deeds of one’s<br />

travelling companions.<br />

The optimism of ‘progressive’ British intellectuals about the vaunted achievements of the first ‘Workers’ State’<br />

was formed not simply by Soviet propaganda but by a pained awareness of the manifestly poor working and living<br />

conditions of a large percentage of their fellow-countrymen and women. The Britain to which demobbed troops<br />

returned in 1918 and 1919 proved not to be the ‘Land fit for Heroes’ promised by the wartime Prime Minister, David<br />

Lloyd George. Despite the social reforms initiated by pre-war Liberal governments, the condition of the industrial and<br />

agricultural poor, and of the unemployed, often contrasted as starkly with that of the rich as it had in mid-Victorian<br />

Britain. The peculiarly British brand of socialist thought and experiment, which had so marked the literature of the<br />

late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, also served to determine the policies and electoral success of the Labour<br />

Party in the 1920s. That the party so stoutly resisted Marxist and Communist influence, and thereby alienated many<br />

young and more headstrong radicals, was an immediate result of its origins in quirky native ideologies and<br />

untheoretical traditions. A minority Labour Government was formed after the General Election of 1923 but fell only<br />

ten months later. Its impact on both the old order and the new was more symbolic than effective. In October 1924 the<br />

Government was profoundly shaken by the publication of a letter, supposedly from the Bolshevik Zinoviev, exhorting<br />

‘the masses of the British proletariat’ to bestir themselves against the very sort of compromise the Labour Party itself<br />

[p. 509]

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