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three cultivated plain words and a plain English style and drew on a popular English tradition. Nevertheless, it was to<br />

the work of Wyatt and Surrey that later sixteenth-century poets admiringly returned and to the poems of Skelton that<br />

they condescendingly looked back as a relic of semi-barbarity.<br />

Relatively few of Wyatt’s poems appeared in print in his lifetime, but his work, together with that of Surrey, was<br />

effectively canonized in 1557 with the appearance of the influential anthology Songes and Sonettes, written by the<br />

right honorable Lorde Henry Haward late Earle of Surrey, and other, a collection familiarly known as Tottel’s<br />

Miscellany. Richard Tottel’s Preface to the collection proclaimed that ‘the honorable stile’ of Surrey and the<br />

‘weightinesse’ of the work of the ‘depewitted’ Wyatt offered proof that English poetry could now stand proper<br />

comparison with the ancient Latin and the modern Italian. Tottel told his readers that his volume had been published<br />

‘to the honor of the English tong, and for the profit of the studious of Englishe eloquence’. With the aid of the nine<br />

editions of the Miscellany published between 1557 and 1587 a generation of Elizabethan poets and would-be poets<br />

(including Shakespeare’s Abraham Slender in The Merry Wives of Windsor) schooled themselves in the courtly<br />

expression of love and in the proper verbal posturing of a lover. They were also introduced to the novelty of the<br />

Italianate discipline of the fourteen-line sonnet, to ottava rima, to terza rima, and to unrhymed iambic pentameter. To<br />

successive critics, historians, and anthologists the poetry of Wyatt and Surrey was deemed to stand at the fountainhead<br />

of a developing lyric tradition, while that of Skelton was presumed to have fed into some kind of literary slough<br />

of despond.<br />

[p. 89]<br />

Wyatt, the well-travelled and sophisticated courtier-diplomat, introduced a full-blooded Petrarchanism to England.<br />

He was well read in the tradition of Tuscan lyric poetry that stemmed from Petrarch’s Rime Sparse and he translated,<br />

and freely adapted into English, verses by Petrarch himself and by several of his fifteenth-century disciples, most<br />

notably poems by Serafino d’Aquilano (1466-1500). Wyatt’s ‘epigrams’, often eight-line poems modelled on the<br />

strambotti of Serafino, also suggest a response to the kind of pithy moral observation cultivated at the French court by<br />

Clement Marot (1496-1544) rather than to the comparatively prolix tirades of Skelton. Most of these ‘epigrams’<br />

reflect on the uncertainties and ambiguities of power and on the process of negotiating a way through the thickets of<br />

contemporary politics. If, it is optimistically suggested in one of these poems, venomous thorns sometimes bear<br />

flowers, so, by a devout analogy, ‘every wo is joynid with some welth’; elsewhere, more sanguinely, an enigmatic<br />

pistol informs its owner that ‘if I be thine enemy I may thy life ende’; in another, a wretched prisoner, whose life<br />

seems to be worn away by the ‘stynke and close ayer’ of his cell, proclaims that his only hope is ‘innocencie’ while<br />

recognizing that although ‘this wound shall heale agayne ... the scarre shall styll remayne’; in yet another, a man<br />

conspicuously out of favour at court bitterly sees his former acquaintance crawling from him ‘like lyse [lice] awaye<br />

from ded bodies’. In lines based on a translation of a section of Seneca’s play Thyestes, the speaker sees jockeying for<br />

power at court as akin to standing on a ‘slipper [slippery] toppe’, and the potential for redemptive self knowledge as<br />

lying well beyond its narrow and dangerous confines. As Wyatt’s satires and certain of his bleaker lyrics (such as<br />

‘Who lyst his welthe and eas Retayne’) indicate, heavenly thunder rolls around kings’ thrones (‘circa Regna tonat’),<br />

bloody days break hearts, and severed heads serve as dire warnings of the force of royal displeasure. In the epistolary<br />

address to his friend, ‘Myne owne John Poyntz’, he purports to ‘fle the presse of courtes ... | Rather then to lyve thrall<br />

under the awe | Of lordly lookes’ and he proclaims that he cannot honour those that ‘settes their part | With Venus<br />

and Baccus all ther lyf long’. One of his most anxious poems (‘In mornyng [mourning] wyse’) pays tribute to the five<br />

men beheaded in 1536 for alleged sexual relations with the disgraced Queen Anne Boleyn (a disgrace in which Wyatt<br />

himself was also implicated, though his arrest led merely to a spell in the Tower). Few poems of the period convey as<br />

vividly the arbitrary shifts in fate and in the exercise of royal power:<br />

[p. 90]<br />

And thus ffarwell eche one in hartye wyse!<br />

The Axe ys home, your hedys be in the stret;<br />

The trykklyngge tearys dothe ffall so from my yes [eyes]<br />

I skarse may wryt, my paper ys so wet.<br />

But what can hepe [help] when dethe hath playd his part,<br />

Thoughe naturs cours wyll thus lament and mone?<br />

Leve sobes therffor, and every crestyn (Christian] hart<br />

Pray ffor the sowlis (souls] of thos be dead and goone.<br />

Wyatt’s poem is ostensibly a Christian valediction which indulges in, rather than forbids, mourning, but it is also a<br />

poem which edgily acknowledges the political danger of mourning traitors.

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