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The military career of David Jones (1895-1974), and the consequent Roman bias of the literature that eventually<br />

emerged from it, were quite distinct from Graves’s. Jones, born in London of a Welsh father and an English mother,<br />

remained fascinated by his divided British inheritance. He was a cockney Welshman who, despite his love of its<br />

sounds and its literature, never fully mastered the Welsh language. After studying at the Camberwell School of Art,<br />

Jones joined the Royal Welch Fusiliers and served as a private soldier in the trenches on the Western Front. It was<br />

this view from the ranks, partly<br />

[p. 547]<br />

refocused after his reception into the Roman Catholic Church in 1921, which determined the intimacy, the nervous<br />

intensity and peculiarly Latinate reference of his subsequent poetry (he remained an equally intense and experimental<br />

painter). Jones began work on his epic of suffering and comradeship, In Parenthesis, in 1927. It was not published<br />

until 1937 and was latterly reprinted with an appreciative ‘Note of Introduction’ by T. S. Eliot. Its title refers both to a<br />

private history which had become, as Jones saw it, ‘a kind of space between’ and to an escape from the ‘brackets’ of<br />

the 1914-18 war. In Parenthesis is divided into seven parts, each of which intermixes and combines the various<br />

registers of terse military commands, profane army slang, Welsh tags, cockney phrasing, reportage, description,<br />

extended prose meditation, and the striking fragmentation of prose into a dense and allusive poetry. Throughout,<br />

Jones sees his patient modern soldiers, Private John Ball and Private Watkin, the one the Saxon Londoner and the<br />

other the Celtic Briton, as bearing in their bodies ‘the genuine tradition of the Island of Britain’. It was a tradition<br />

which he saw as moulded in turn by the popular vigour of Welsh and English comic literature, and the modern musichall.<br />

But his soldiers have also unconsciously inherited a line of recorded history stretching back to the ancient<br />

meeting of Roman and Celt, a meeting finally cemented in the Latin Christianization of the colony of Britain. They<br />

move through a confused khaki world of reveilles, mud, mustard-gas, barbed wire, and bomb-craters, but it is also a<br />

world haunted by the ghosts of Welsh heroes and Roman legionaries. Out of the twisted debris of all battles, ancient<br />

and modern, Jones painstakingly assembled a diverse and often dazzling work of art, part objet trouvé, part collage,<br />

part expressionist construction.<br />

The fragmentary archaeological poetry perfected by Eliot in the 1920s clearly left its imprint on Jones’s slowly<br />

produced work. His longest poem, Anathemata (1952), in part a tribute to his native London, interweaves the<br />

legendary history of Britain with the complexly layered history and prehistory of Europe, tying the island to the<br />

Continent by threads that are both Celtic and Teutonic, both Imperial Roman and Roman Catholic. Celtic, Latin, and<br />

Germanic concepts jostle each other when, for example, he considers the anonymous prehistoric sculptor of the socalled<br />

Willendorf Venus (a buxom Celtic figure found near the Danube):<br />

[p. 548]<br />

Who were his gens-men or had he no Hausname yet<br />

no nomen for his fecit-mark<br />

the Master of the Venus?<br />

whose man-hands god-handled the Willendorf stone<br />

before they unbound the last glaciation<br />

for the Uhland Father to be-ribbon die blaue Donau<br />

with his Vanabride blue.<br />

O long before they lateen’d her Ister<br />

or Romanitas manned her gender’d stream.<br />

O Europa!<br />

Anathemata is shot through with modernist effect, Modernist fragmentation, and modernist difficulty, but, as with<br />

Joyce’s later work, it is ordered by an artistic sensibility which is essentially theological. When in a late poem, The<br />

Tribune’s Visitation (1958, 1969), he returned to the idea of a Welsh soldier, he described not a muddy private on the<br />

Western Front, but a conscripted Celt in the Roman army witnessing the passion of Christ. For Jones, history was a<br />

process of conflations and synchronies out of which poetry was painfully squeezed.<br />

‘Society’ and Society: The New Novelists of the 1920s and 1930s<br />

To the upper- and middle-class generations that either avoided or missed combat in the First World War, the often<br />

flippant 1920s and the far gloomier 1930s were less a time for retrospects than an age that seemed like a springboard

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