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conference programme book - European Survey Research ...

conference programme book - European Survey Research ...


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112 WEDNESDAY 20 JULY2.45.4 Sampling special populaons: Why is it important to ask immigrants about their year of arrival?C. Ródenas 1 , M. Mar 11 Universidad de Alicante, SpainThe objecve of this study is to show that obtaining demographic and social informaon regarding the immigrantpopulaon through sampling techniques requires a specifically designed survey. In order to guaranteethe reliability of the results, the sample design should not be limited to using those demographic variables thatare commonly used, but should also contemplate the variable referring to the ”year of arrival” of the immigrantsto the country. If this variable is not considered in the inial design or subsequent adjustments of thesurvey, there is a high risk that its esmate will be biased and consequently, that of all those variables that arecorrelated with the year of arrival.2.46 Socio-economic variables in cross-naonal surveys: Quality enhancement inmeasurement, documentaon and data disseminaon IIITo be held on July 20, 2011 from: 16:00 to 17:30, in room 318.Coordinated by:• Jürgen H.P. Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik - GESIS - Leibniz Instute for the Social Sciences, Germany• Hilde Orten - Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD), Norway• Uwe Warner - Centre d’Etudes de Populaons, de Pauvreté et de Poliques Socio-Economiques (CEPS /INSTEAD), Luxembourg2.46.1 The New Educaon Measures in the <strong>European</strong> Social <strong>Survey</strong> - Advantages in Using DDI for DocumentaonH. Orten 1 , H. Midtsæter 1 , J. Wackerow 21 Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD), Norway; 2 GESIS - Leibniz Instute for the Social Sciences, GermanyThe <strong>European</strong> Social <strong>Survey</strong> is a biennial mul-country survey covering more than 30 countries.For its fih round, currently in field, the survey will carry out a major revision of the measurement of respondent’s,partner’s, father’s and mother’s highest level of educaon.The ESS will change its current targetharmonised measure to a more detailed ISCED coding.There will also be an addional variable named ES-ISCED that will be mapped from the new detailed ISCEDmeasure.The process of construcng the new measure has involved conceptual consideraons, set-up of bridging specificaonsfrom source to target variables as well as quesonnaire items for each parcipang country.2.46.2 The ”new” survey queson for the income measurement in the <strong>European</strong> Social <strong>Survey</strong> and theimprovements for cross-country comparisonU. Warner 1 , J. Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik 21 Centre d’Etudes de Populaons, de Pauvreté et de Poliques Socio-Economiques (CEPS / INSTEAD), Luxembourg;2 GESIS - Leibniz Instute for the Social Sciences, GermanyComparing the total net household income across <strong>European</strong> countries, the household definion and size, therespondent’s family relaon to the main income earner, the main source of income, the income composion,the respondent’s capability to remember income element, and the naonal income distribuons have obviousand visible impacts on the income informaon given by the respondent.

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