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conference programme book - European Survey Research ...


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TUESDAY 19 JULY 57release of formerly disclosed stascal data, expansion of cross-cultural research and so forth. Thus, the characterof the data archive is changing, too, and the surge demands new ways both technical and organizaonalto cope with these challenges.From the view of the Data Archive for Social Sciences (GESIS) the presentaon focuses on four topics:1.31.4 Development of a Social <strong>Research</strong> Infrastructure in Central Europe: The Case of the Czech RepublicY. Leonyeva 1 , T. Cizek 1 , M. Vavra 21 Instute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic; 2 Instute of Sociology,Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech RepublicThis presentaon will focus on social data services and data archiving in the Czech Republic using the experienceof Czech Social Science Data Archive (CSDA). The authors will provide an overview of the development ofCSDA from its beginnings as a small department within a naonal sociological research instuon to its currentposion where it faces important challenges in transforming itself into an effecve nodewithin the Council of <strong>European</strong> Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA). The main aim of this presentaon isto share CSDA’s experiences and to discuss the challenges this young CESSDA member faces in (a) promongsecondary data analysis and data quality research, and (b) how best to serve its users within the social sciencesin the Czech Republic.1.32 Human Values IITo be held on July 19, 2011 from: 16:00 to 17:30, in room 415.Coordinated by:• Constanze Beierlein - GESIS - Leibniz Instute for the Social Sciences, Germany• Eldad Davidov - University of Zürich, Switzerland• Peter Schmidt - University of Giessen, Germany1.32.1 Naonal Instuonal Structures and Self-Enhancement Values: A Mullevel Approach Using the<strong>European</strong> Social <strong>Survey</strong>D. Köthemann 11 Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology, Bielefeld University, GermanyContemporary market-sociees can be characterised by a ”culture of compeon” (Coleman 1987). Compe-on is ”a builder of character, a test of personal worth, and a powerful smulus to individual achievementthat ulmately produces the maximum economic value for society as a whole.” (ibid.) From this point of viewliving in a market-society has a strong impact on individual value priories. But as Messner/ Rosenfeld (1994)point out, the influence of market-mechanism on individuals differs between market-sociees and depend onnaonal instuonal arrangements. Konty (2005) makes the idea more concrete when he agues that the moreinfluence economic social instuons gain the greater the people’s importance of self-enhancement-values.Other social instuons like the family or the polity can counterbalance these effects of societal economicinstuons...1.32.2 Social Capital, Values and Trust: A Conceptual and Analycal ClarificaonU. Häfliger 11 University of Zürich, SwitzerlandTrust does not feature in the values or movaon literature as a determinant of social capital, except in somecases as a personal trait (John and Srivastava 1999). In the social capital literature, however, shared norms arediscussed as a key ingredient in building trust but no link is made to the values literature (e.g., Uslaner 2002).

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