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conference programme book - European Survey Research ...

conference programme book - European Survey Research ...


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142 THURSDAY 21 JULYcross-seconal surveys use prevalence rates whereas models based on data from longitudinal surveys useincidence. While models that use longitudinal survey data are superior in terms of methodology, they alsohave challenges. One such challenge is esmaon bias caused by arion.3.24.2 Imputaon of rounded duraon dataJ. van der Laan 1 , L. Kuijvenhoven 11 Stascs Netherlands (CBS), NetherlandsOne type of recall errors occurring in surveys are rounding errors. For example, in the Dutch Labour Force<strong>Survey</strong> where unemployed persons are asked how long they have been unemployed, there is clearly a tendencyto give answers that are rounded off to years or half years. As rounding distorts the distribuon of the variableof interest, esmates may be biased when these are dependent on the shape of the distribuon. This canhappen, for example, when performing regression analyses, or when the shape of the distribuon itself is thestasc of interest. At Stascs Netherlands, there is an interest in publishing stascs on the distribuon ofunemployment duraons. It is for example of interest to see whether certain policies mainly affect personswith long unemployment spells or mainly persons with short unemployment spells...3.24.3 The effect of event history calendar on dang accuracy in an online surveyA. Neusar 1 , S. Ježek 11 Masaryk University, Czech RepublicTo increase the accuracy of dang various calendar methods like the event history calendar (EHC) have beenused (e.g. Belli, Stafford,& Alwin, 2009). Calendar methods incorporate aids into the common structured research interview that facilitatethe respondents’ recall. Studies have found small to substanal effect of calendar methods on dangaccuracy. In our exploratory study we were interested if calendar methods can bring the some posive effectin a self-administered online quesonnaire. The sample consists of 150 university students - volunteers. Thedang quesons in the online survey were both personal (days of illness; trip abroad) and public (joining EU;Tsunami in Indonesia). Random half were instructed to work out a self-instructed version of the EHC beforegoing on with the survey items. We measured calendar compleon and survey compleon mes as well as amanipulaon check...3.24.4 UNDERSTANDING AND ADJUSTING FOR WAVE NON-RESPONSE IN LONGITUDINAL STUDIESI. Plewis 11 Social Stascs, University of Manchester, United KingdomPromote the virtues of longitudinal studies and you will soon be challenged about the problem of missing data.Data are missing for a number of reasons and in a variety of ways. This talk will focus on the missingness thatarises from wave non-response – cases that are missing at wave t but observed again at one or more laterwaves t + k. The prevalence of wave non-response will be described for a number of well-known longitudinalstudies and the characteriscs of wave non-respondents will be compared with arion cases and consistentresponders. The fact that wave non-respondents provide informaon not only before but also aer a missingoccasion offers opportunies for a beer understanding of missingness mechanisms, including the possibilitythat data at wave t might be missing not at random in the Lile and Rubin classificaon. The data measuredaer wave t give scope for improving imputaon models...3.25 Linking <strong>Survey</strong> and Administrave Data: A Methodological Perspecve ITo be held on July 21, 2011 from: 14:00 to 15:30, in room 321.Coordinated by:

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