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conference programme book - European Survey Research ...

conference programme book - European Survey Research ...


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WEDNESDAY 20 JULY 1152.48 Quality of Life/well-beingTo be held on July 20, 2011 from: 16:00 to 17:30, in room 414.Coordinated by: Marieke Voorpostel - FORS - Swiss Foundaon for <strong>Research</strong> in Social Sciences, Switzerland2.48.1 Money, sociability and happiness: are developed countries doomed to social erosion and unhappiness?F. Sarracino 11 Centre d’Etudes de Populaons, de Pauvreté et de Poliques Socio-Economiques (CEPS / INSTEAD), LuxembourgDiscovering whether social capital endowments in modern sociees have been subjected or not to a processof gradual erosion is one of the most debated topics in recent economic literature. Inaugurated by Putnam’spioneering studies, the debate on social capital trends has been recently revived by Stevenson and Wolfers(2008) contending Easterlin’s assessment. Present work is aimed at finding evidence for the relaonship betweenchanges in social capital and subjecve well-being in eight <strong>European</strong> countries and in Japan between1980 and 2005...2.48.2 Self Assessed Subjecve Wellbeing as Conflict Indicator in Transional SocieesY. Deshmukh 11 World Associaon for Public Opinion <strong>Research</strong>, United StatesCan a self assessed subjecve indicator on wellbeing be used as Conflict Indicator in Transional Sociees byusing surveys to understand a state of mind wherein the feeling of well being and happiness is on the top of themind recall? There are several globally accepted QOL indicators like health, housing, social security, educaonand many more. But, the meaning of QOL varies when we compare a economically stable and democracallyevolved society to a conflict and disaster hit transional sociees. Several QOL indicators have been formulatedfor ”Normal” sociees but hardly any for ”Transional” ones. This study is aimed at analyzing Quality of Lifedata as Conflict Indicator in transional sociees of Sri Lanka and Indonesia aer the Tsunami disaster and itsimpact on the ongoing armed conflict in these countries...2.48.3 The use of the me as a dimension of the quality of life: an applicaons. ceccherini 11 università firenze, ItalyMany studies (the Global Project presented by OCSE; GDP and Beyond presented by the Europeean Commission;the IX Congress ISQOLS carry out in Firenze 2009)show the importance of me use as a dimension ofthe individual quality of life. This is reasserted also by the Commission on measurement the economic performanceand social progress chaired by Joseph E. Sglitz, Amartya Sen, Jean-Paul Fitoussi.2.48.4 Homemaking and women’s well-being in Europe. Effect of divorce risk, selecon and dominanggender-role atudes.M. Mikucka 11 Centre d’Etudes de Populaons, de Pauvreté et de Poliques Socio-Economiques (CEPS / INSTEAD), LuxembourgWhereas it is known that employment status strongly impacts individual well-being, the literature concerningthe effect of homemaking is so far inconclusive. The paper invesgates the effect of being a housewife onwell-being of women, using <strong>European</strong> Values Study data for 36 <strong>European</strong> countries (year 2008) and mullevelregression methodology.

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