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conference programme book - European Survey Research ...

conference programme book - European Survey Research ...


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THURSDAY 21 JULY 145In mullevel models, geographic space is conceptualized as a disconnuous phenomenon that is divided intodiscrete, oen arbitrarily defined units with fixed boundaries. Such a pracce ignores the fact that usuallythere are important social, economic, and instuonal es that link residents from different units and thatthese links are stronger as proximity between the units is higher. In this study we argue that interdependencebetween the spaal units does not only result from physical proximity between them, but also from their socialproximity. We illustrate this assumpon with findings from comparave survey research conducted in post-warcommunies across the former Yugoslavia...3.27 Methodological and technical challenges in surveys of immigrant-backgroundand ethnic minority groups ITo be held on July 21, 2011 from: 14:00 to 15:30, in room 413.Coordinated by:• Laura Morales - Instute for Social Change, University of Manchester, United Kingdom• Mónica Méndez - Centro de Invesgaciones Sociológicas (CIS), Spain3.27.1 The role of funconal equivalence in the applicaon of psychometric instruments to migrant populaonsP. Brzoska 1 , O. Razum 11 Bielefeld University, School of Public Health, Dept. of Epidemiology& Int. Public Health, GermanyBackground:In quantave migrant health research, researchers oen apply instruments validated only for the source populaonsof the migrants. However, aer years in the host country, migrants may develop language usage andresponse behavior different from that of the source populaon. This may jeopardize the funconal equivalenceof instruments, i.e. comparability in their semanc, operaonal, item and measurement properes.These limitaons are usually not considered. We apply the Turkish version of the Revised Illness PerceponQuesonnaire (IPQ-R) to Turkish migrants residing in Germany to examine to what degree this pracce mayproduce invalid results.Methods:3.27.2 Challenges and soluons in implemenng a survey covering minories across 27 <strong>European</strong> countriesG. Hideg 1 , A. Illyes 1 , R. Manchin 21 Gallup, Belgium; 2 Gallup Europe, BelgiumThe <strong>European</strong> Union Minories and Discriminaon <strong>Survey</strong> (EU-MIDIS) was the first ever systemac large-scaleaempt to address vulnerable immigrant and ethnic minority groups with a scienfic survey in all 27 MemberStates of the EU, in 2008. The praccal design and implementaon were done by the authors.3.27.3 Sampling of ethnic Germans (Spät-Aussiedler): The quality of data drawn using onomasc methodsbased on telephone registry informaonE. Liebau 11 SOEP - DIW Berlin, GermanySince the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1990, around 2.5 million ethnic Germans have immigrated to Germany.This immigrant group has raised a number of interesng new theorecal quesons in the research on labormarket integraon. In contrast to the labor migrants who dominated the immigraon to Germany from the1960s to the 1980s, ethnic Germans are quite well educated, but sll have difficules entering the labor market.

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