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conference programme book - European Survey Research ...


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WEDNESDAY 20 JULY 97a self-compleon quesonnaire for CATI interviewers (942 cases were collected), a self-compleon quesonnairefor CATI studio managers, and In-Depth Interview with well experienced CATI interviewers (49 interviewswere conducted)...2.32 Analysis of Immigraon in Europe IITo be held on July 20, 2011 from: 14:00 to 15:30, in room 315.1.Coordinated by: Mariya Aleksynska - CEPII, France2.32.1 The Immigrant/Nave Wealth Gap in Germany, Italy and LuxembourgA. Porpiglia 2 , T. Mathä 2 , E. Sierminska 11 Centre d’Etudes de Populaons, de Pauvreté et de Poliques Socio-Economiques (CEPS / INSTEAD), Luxembourg;2 Banque centrale du Luxembourg, LuxembourgWealth is a comprehensive measure of household financial behaviour and economic wellbeing. It gives familiesthe possibility to rely on a buffer stock in mes of diminished income streams, to access to beer schools andenhanced health facilies. In addion it is a crucial resource to maintain the living standard in rerement.2.32.2 How Successful are Different Migrant Groups on <strong>European</strong> Labor Markets? A Comparison of Attainmentacross 28 <strong>European</strong> SocieesF. Pichler 11 University of Vienna, AustriaTypical labor market outcomes vary considerably between majority and migrant populaons. Drawing onscholarship from across the social sciences, we invesgate compeng micro and macro-level explanaons ofdifferenal occupaonal aainment among immigrant groups across 28 countries. To beer understand lowerlabor market outcomes of migrants, this paper empirically assesses a series of potenal individual and structuraldeterminants of outcomes across Europe, including human capital, social mobility, migraon backgroundon the one hand and immigraon policies, welfare regimes and economic condions on the other. The analysesof occupaonal aainment are run separately for first and second generaon migrants as well as childrenof mixed marriage to provide more meaningful insights into their variegated inroads into the labor markets ofdesnaon countries...2.32.3 Migrant-specific labour market segregaon and the earnings of immigrants and naves in GermanyB. Heizmann 1 , A. Busch 3 , E. Holst 21 Jena Graduate School GSBC, Germany; 2 German Instute for Economic <strong>Research</strong> (DIW), Germany; 3 GermanInst. for Economic <strong>Research</strong> (DIW) / Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS), GermanyThis paper examines the influence of migrant specific labor market segregaon on the wages of migrants andnon-migrants in Germany. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study and the German Microcensuswe test several sociological and social-psychological explanaons relevant to this topic. The noon ofQuality Sorng states that the differences in wages that are associated with the migrant share within occupa-ons are due to differences in human capital and qualificaon requirements in those jobs alone. In contrast,a Cultural Devaluaon of occupaons with a high migrant share should have a further negave influence onboth migrants’ and naves’ wages...2.32.4 The Relaonship between Immigraon and Vicmizaon in England and Wales: Evidence from theBrish Crime <strong>Survey</strong>G. Papadopoulos 1

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