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86 WEDNESDAY 20 JULY2.21.2 An Analysis of Panel Arion and Panel Change on the 2006-08-10 General Social <strong>Survey</strong> PanelT. Smith 11 University of Chicago, United StatesThe General Social <strong>Survey</strong> (GSS) now uses a rotang panel design. In each even number year, three componentsare fielded: 1) a new cross-secon with a target sample size of 2,000, 2) the reinterview of respodents from theprevious GSS cross-secon collected two years before, and 3) the second and final reinterview with next mostrecent GSS from four years earlier. Thus, each GSS has a new panel, an intermediate panel, and an endingpanel. This paper looks at the issues of panel bias from differenal arion, net vs. gross change, and theseparaon of true change from unreliability using three-wave panel techniques.2.21.3 The relaonships between Individualism, Naonalism, Ethnocentrism&Authoritarianism in Flanders,analyzed in connuous me by means of the EDM SEMT. Toharudin 1 , H. Oud 2 , J. Billiet 3 , H. Folmer 41 University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia; 2 Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Netherlands; 3 Katholieke UniversiteitLeuven, Belgium; 4 University of Groningen, NetherlandsSome authors present evidence that naonalism (N) is not only related to individualism (I) and ethnocentrism(E) but also to authoritarianism (A). Therefore, we expand the naonalism-individualism-ethnocentrism modelby Toharudin et al (2008) by including authoritarianism (A) as a fourth latent variable. A was measured by 7items in two waves and 4 items in one wave giving a total of 18 observed variables measuring A which wereadded to the 48 variables measuring I, N, and E. We prove that the model is idenfied. By means of Mx the EDMsoluon for a model with dri coefficients, fixed growth intercepts, diffusion coefficients and inial parameterswas esmated. We find rather strong reciprocal effects between A and E and also a relavely strong effect ofA on I but no reverse effect from I to A. Whereas relavely small but significant effects from I and E on N arefound, no effect is found from A on N...2.21.4 Daily reports of alcohol use and disease severity: data quality, concepts and analysisS. Draisma 1 , J. van Zaane 2 , J. Smit 31 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands; 2 Vrije universiteit, ggzingeest, Netherlands; 3 Vrije UniversiteitMedical Center Amsterdam, NetherlandsThe Self Rang-Prospecve Life Chart Method (LCM) is an instrument with which paents with bipolar depressionrecord behavior and mood on a daily base. One goal of the study was to establish the effect of dailyalcohol use on the course of bipolar disorder. Another goal is to establish data quality and its relaon to theuse of concepts and results of longitudinal analyses. During approximately a year, 137 paents with DSM-IVdiagnosed bipolar disorder rated their mood and number of alcohol units consumed. The paper focuses on:2.21.5 A Latent Class Approach for Esmang Labour Market Mobility in the Presence of Mulple Indicatorsand Retrospecve InterrogaonF. Bassi 2 , M. Croon 1 , A. Piarello 21 Tilburg University, Netherlands; 2 University of Padua, ItalyWith panel data analysts can esmate labour force gross flows i.e., transions in me between different states.Measurement errors in the observed state can induce bias in the esmaon of transions, leading to erroneousconclusions about labour market dynamics.A large body of literature on gross flows esmaon is based on the assumpon that errors are uncorrelatedover me. This assumpon is not realisc in many contexts, because of survey design and data colleconstrategies, especially when data are collected by retrospecve interrogaon.

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