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conference programme book - European Survey Research ...

conference programme book - European Survey Research ...


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172 FRIDAY 22 JULY4.2.3 The representave research of households based on the data of individual interviewing.A. Veykher 11 Higher School of Economics in St-Petersburg, RussiaThe diverse techniques of household research are usually rather expensive. For many problems we use simplifiedmethod to study households parameters without developing a household panel. 4-5 quesons, added toquesonnaires designed for different studies of general populaon, and a special method of weighng surveydata allow us to get representave data on households as a supplemental result. We use this methodology insurvey in St. Petersburg for more than 8 years.4.3 Experimental Methods in <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>Research</strong> ITo be held on July 22, 2011 from: 09:00 to 10:30, in room 415.Coordinated by:• Heiko Rauhut - ETH Zürich, Switzerland• Ben Jann - University of Bern, Switzerland• Thomas Hinz - University of Konstanz, Germany• Prof. Dr. Stefanie Eifler - University of Halle-Wienberg, Germany4.3.1 The Impact of Queson Context on the Measurement of An-Semic Atudes: An Experimental<strong>Survey</strong>H. Beyer 2 , I. Krumpal 11 Universität Leipzig, Germany; 2 Georg-August-Universität, Göngen, GermanyRegarding the sensive character of an-Semic atudes, it is uncertain whether they are reported truthfullyin surveys. It is assumed that respondents answer in a socially desirable manner, i.e. underreport an-Semicatudes. Using an experimental survey, we demonstrate that the cognive acvaon of an an-Semic groupnorm elicits more socially undesirable answers, thus increasing the prevalence of self-reported an-Semism.To acvate group norms, we make use of context effects resulng from an experimental manipulaon of thequeson order. Our research combines methodological experiments and applied research problems. Wedemonstrate that experimental survey methods can be used to address substanve research quesons, i.e.to invesgate the causal impact of group norms on the communicaon of socially undesirable an-Semicatudes in a survey situaon...4.3.2 A Validated Module to Measure Risk, Time, and Social PreferencesA. Becker 2 , A. Falk 11 University of Bonn, Germany; 2 Bonn Graduate School of Economics, GermanyIn contrast to obtaining preference measures by looking at data generated in economic experiments, surveydata lacks incenve compable decision-making. Problems arising from this fact include self-serving and hypothecalbias, strategic moves, or simple lack of aenon. Thus, there is concern regarding the behavioralvalidity and reliability of survey measures. Our goal is to construct a preference module, which includes itemsthat are shown to predict behavior in incenvized laboratory experiments. We observe data from more than300 subjects, who take part in real-stakes experiments and answer a set of survey items. Incenve compableexperimental measures were obtained by conducng standard economic experiments, including the trustgame and choices between safe opons and loeries...4.3.3 Combining experimental and survey data. An examinaon of potenal bias.G. Garcia Albacete 1 , T. Dannwolf 2 , C. Schmidt 11 University of Mannheim, Germany; 2 MZES, University of Mannheim , Germany

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