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conference programme book - European Survey Research ...

conference programme book - European Survey Research ...


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TUESDAY 19 JULY 59Coordinated by: Jonathan P. Jackson - London School of Economics, United Kingdom1.33.1 Making Comparisons Meaningful: Conceptual and Measurement Issues of Polical Trust AtudeD. Poznyak 11 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BelgiumStudies in public opinion oen examine the variaon in polical and social atudes over me using longitudinalor me-series designs. Most researchers however do not test whether the latent constructs can in factbe meaningfully compared – that is whether their meaning and measurement remains the same across theenre range of available data.1.33.2 Public Opinion Concerns on Data Privacy in Eurobarometer <strong>Survey</strong>s.F. Odella 11 Università degli Studi di Trento, ItalyIn 1996 the <strong>European</strong> Union produced a comprehensive directory for establishing privacy rights and independentnaonal agencies to control for the implementaon of the new requirements by public and private actors;this came aer a long debate at the <strong>European</strong> commission and aer several country members had launchedtheir own legislave framework. EU instuons paid much aenon to the establishment of detailed andcomplex procedural requirements for protecon and ensuring cizens’ privacy but the situaon tends to bevery different inside country members. To describe how public opinion changed aer the implementaonof the 1996 direcve this paper uses Eurobarometer data concerning invesgaons on privacy opinions andstascal data...1.33.3 Determinants of Values and Atudes toward Society and Civic Systems in Lan-American YoungPeople: An Internaonal Comparave AnalysisC. LOPERA 1 , A. Uzaheta 21 Colombian Instute for Educaonal Evaluaon (ICFES ), Colombia; 2 Colombian Instute for Educaonal Evaluaon(ICFES), ColombiaThroughout recent decades, the growing impact of globalizaon and modernizaon of economic systems, theexternal threats to civil society and its liberes, the increasing importance of non-governmental organizaons,as well as the younger generaon´s limited interest and engagement in public life and polics, are all factorsthat have contributed to an innovave reflecon on the meaning of cizenship and especially about the waysin which young people are prepared and, consequently, capable of assuming their roles as cizens (Schulz, W.,Fraillon, J., Ainley, J., Losito, B.,& Kerr, D., 2008)...1.34 Sensive Quesons and Social Desirability Bias: Theorecal Perspecves andData Collecon Strategies IIITo be held on July 19, 2011 from: 16:00 to 17:30, in room 412.Coordinated by: Daniel Oberski - Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain1.34.1 The Use of Split Sample Technique to Dissociate Atudes towards White Collar & Blue Collar MigrantWorkersA. Diop 2 , D. Al-Emadi 2 , D. Howell 11 University of Michigan, United States; 2 Social and Economic <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Instute (SESRI), Qatar University,Qatar

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