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TUESDAY 19 JULY 27technique and we are using it for esmang social desirability bias related to self-reported turnout about2009 <strong>European</strong> Parliamentary elecons in Romania...1.4.2 Elicing illicit work. Item Count and Randomized Response Technique put to the test.A. Kirchner 2 , I. Krumpal 1 , M. Trappmann 2 , H. von Hermanni 11 Universität Leipzig, Germany; 2 Instute for Employment <strong>Research</strong>, GermanyWe address an ongoing debate how to assess sensive topics in telephone surveys. Examining three exisngmethods and implemenng one new method, we developed a module to measure illicit work and tested thisin two CATI studies (both conducted in 2010). In an experimental seng, we compare a double-list implementaonof the Item Count Technique (ICT) with direct quesoning as well as a forced-response implementaonof the Randomized Response Technique (RRT) with direct quesoning. In the first study (ICT; n=1.603), respondentswere selected from the German general populaon. In the second study (RRT; n=3.211), respondentsof two specific populaons were sampled from a register: employed persons and those qualifying for basicincome support in Germany, i.e. people depending on state transfer payments...1.4.3 Answering Sensive Quesons in Face-to-Face-Interviews using the Randomized Response- and ItemCount-Technique. Results from a Validaon <strong>Survey</strong>F. Wolter 1 , P. Preisendörfer 1 , A. Skarbek-Kozietulska 11 Department of Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, GermanyTo overcome the problem of misreporng on sensive quesons in surveys, the randomized response-technique(RRT) and the item count-technique (ICT) have been proposed. The idea behind both techniques is to limit respondents’incenves to misreport by a complete anonymizaon of the interview situaon.However, research has found mixed evidence on the performance of these techniques compared to conven-onal direct quesoning (DQ). Most importantly, there is a lack of validaon studies which are able to comparea validated ”true value” to the answers given in interviews.1.4.4 Sensive Queson Techniques in Online <strong>Survey</strong>s: An Experimental Comparison of Different ImplementaonsA. Diekmann 2 , M. Höglinger 2 , B. Jann 11 University of Bern, Switzerland; 2 ETH, SwitzerlandThe successful implementaon of special techniques for asking sensive quesons (such as the RandomizedResponse Technique) in self-administered online surveys poses several new challenges. A first crucial issue ishow to make respondents understand the techniques’ instrucons and appreciate the provided privacy protec-on. As no interviewer is present to explain the procedure and answer possible quesons, the risk of break-offor noncompliance with the instrucons is high if the procedure is not easily comprehensible. For the RandomizedResponse Technique a second issue is finding a suitable randomizing device. Oen used devices such asdices, coins, or banknotes may not be at a respondent’s immediate disposion and also require a mode shi,which increases non-compliance and non-response. Randomizaon based on innocuous quesons has thedisadvantage that usually there is only a limited set of suitable quesons...1.5 Data Quality in Special Populaon <strong>Survey</strong>s ITo be held on July 19, 2011 from: 11:00 to 12:30, in room 318.Coordinated by:• Susanne Vogl - Katholische Universität Eichstä-Ingolstadt, Germany• Marek Fuchs - Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany

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